Beyond the Borders!!

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The next morning came pretty quickly!

The bandits had lost another leader, and you and your group had been on the path to the Border of Bern.

Lyn was stopping to think about her grandfather, who she had never seen before.

(Y/N): How are we doing Kent?

Kent: We've almost reached the Lycian border.

(Y/N): Will our deal with the bandits be over? I'm really getting sick and tired of these guys.

Wil: We should be. I doubt they'll be willing to pursue us across the border.

Sain: Lycia at last! It's been a long time. Tomorrow, we'll dine on a feast of Lycia's finest foods! And the mistress of the inn at the crossing is said to be a beauty. Ah, yes... Food and love. No better way to restore a man's soul! This is going to be a fine evening, eh, Kent?

Kent: If your behavior is as deplorable as ever, we'd best stay elsewhere. We're not here for sightseeing!

Dorcas: Are they always like this?

(Y/N): Yes.

Sain: Now that's not fair!

Lyn: Kent, just let this slide.

Kent: Right, milady.

Sain: Oh Lyndis! You are truly an Angel!


You whacked him on the head.

Florina: I for one am happy that we can rest easy this time.

(Y/N): Good to see you're in good spirits Flor-


More bandits begin to appear.

(Y/N): Man those guys are persistent!!

Wil: They're still after us?! MAN, I KUST WNAT TO SHOOT THEM!!

Bandit: If you guys leave alive, everyone will think we've gone soft!

(Y/N): Oh none of us care! Just piss off or you'll join your friends in hell!

Lyn: Exactly what (Y/N) said.


Two figures appear.

Erk (A Black Mage who is the bodyguard of the Cleric, Serra! He is a no-nonsense person who is devoted to his studies! Voiced by Crispin Freeman!)

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Erk (A Black Mage who is the bodyguard of the Cleric, Serra! He is a no-nonsense person who is devoted to his studies! Voiced by Crispin Freeman!)

Erk (A Black Mage who is the bodyguard of the Cleric, Serra! He is a no-nonsense person who is devoted to his studies! Voiced by Crispin Freeman!)

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Shounen Hero Book 10!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora