Salazar Castle!!

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You and Ashely come across a gate, which has a retinal scanner on it. 

(Y/N): Hmm ... looks like we need something. Ashely, stay out of sight. 

Ashely: Right. 

You make your way to a nearby warehouse... 

(Y/N): Is there anything in h- 

The Chief appeared behind you, and you dodged the attack, and- 


You light him on fire, only for- 

You light him on fire, only for- 

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(Y/N): WOAH! Hello, ugly! 

He begins to cling to the ceiling and start to attack you, but you begin to hack off the various scary pieces of him, and then you rip his head off. 

But the body continues to move, and you requip a hammer and smash it to pieces. 

(Y/N): What the fuck?! 

You take his red eye, and leave. 

And so... 

(Y/N): I'm back. 

Ashely: Oh thank God! You had me scared. 

You use the eye on the retinal scanner, and you and Ashely continue on forward. 

As the gate opens, you spot a giant castle in the distance! 

As the gate opens, you spot a giant castle in the distance! 

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(Y/N): We might be able to hide out in there. 

And so... 

You and Ashley hide out in the castle, and- 

???: (Y/N). 

Luis appeared. 

(Y/N): Oh good, you're alright Luis. 

Luis: I have something that can help you both! 

He starts to check his pockets but realizes they're empty. 

Luis: Shit! I must have dropped it while I was running away from them. 

Ashley: Dropped what? 

Luis: A drug that'll stop your convulsions. Look, I know you are carriers. You've been coughing up blood, right?

(Y/N): Yeah. 

Luis: And you? 

Ashley: Yes. 

Luis: Damn! The eggs have hatched. We don't have much time.

(Y/N): Luis, what are you talking about? 

Luis: I'll explain later. I need to go back and get them. 

Ashley: Let me come with you. 

Luis: No, you need to stay with (Y/N). He is better with the ladies. I'm sure.

(Y/N): Why are you helping us? 

Luis looks back at you before leaving. 

Luis: It makes me feel better. Let's just leave it at that.


You and Ashely move past several of the Los Illuminados members, before coming into the castle's main hall. 

Two hooded figures appear, and a little man arrives too, laughing like a maniac. 

???: I was starting to wonder when you might notice us.

???: I was starting to wonder when you might notice us

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(Y/N): Who are you, Little Man? 

???: Me llamo Ramon Salazar, the eighth Castellan of this magnificent architecture. I have been honored with the prodigious power of the great Lord Saddler. I've been expecting you, my brethren.

(Y/N): Yeah, no thanks, "brother."

Salazar: My my, we've got a feisty one. If you care for your own well-being, I suggest you surrender yourself and simply...become our hostage. Or, Mr. (L/N), you can give us the girl, since you're not worth a penny, I'm afraid. You can die.

He leaves with his two attendants. 

Ashely: I'm never going to turn into them! 

(Y/N): Don't worry, we'll figure this out. 

You and Ashely proceeded into the castle. 

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