Battle Before Dawn!!

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Nino and Jaffar have arrived at the palace to assassinate the Prince!

Nino: Is that the door of the Prince's room?

Jaffar: Yes.

Nino: General Murdock, the prince's bodyguard, should be away. The king concocted some errand to call him from Zephiel's side... There are no guards around. This is an...easy job, isn't it? I... I can do this! This is my first mission, you know? I guess I'm a little nervous, but... I mustn't fail. Mustn't let Mother down. Ready Jaffar?

Jaffar: I' desire to be a part of your blundering... If you fail, I will, without hesitation, finish the target and then you.

Nino: What?

Jaffar: Remember, you should not rely on friends.

Nino: ...I knew that. Don't have to tell me... I'm a member of the Black Fang, after all. Ha ha... I won't fail. I will become worthy... I will. Mother will be proud of me. She will see the daughter I've become, and she will love me. ...There are no guards. It's just like we were told, but...something's strange.

The two sneak in, but-

Zephiel: I offer this prayer unto thee: My coming-of-age ceremony is tomorrow. As the prince of Bern, I've tried... I've tried my best not to be an embarrassment to my father. I know I've not met with his expectations. But I will try harder. I will please him. I vow to do better. For him. Hear me: Tomorrow, I will be a man... So this is my last wish as a foolish child. It's the same one I've asked of you every night for all these years, but... Please, bring Father and Mother together again. Please, let the day come when Guinivere and I and her mother... When all of us can live together happily in the castle.

Jaffar: Now!

Jaffar knocks Prince Zephiel out.

Jaffar: That will leave him unconscious for some time. Now, the time has come for you to do your part...

Nino: I-

She prepared to stab the prince but dropped her knife.

Nino: I can't do it!

Jaffar: What? Why not?

Nino: Listen to him... All he wants is his parents' love... To be accepted... That's all...... He's just like me. No matter how I try, Mother always looks at me as if I were nothing. Her eyes are so filled with disappointment. She's never held me... not even once...... I won't let your opportunity fail. Kill me.

Jaffar: Wh-What?

Nino: I won't let you be hurt for my actions.

Jaffar: (quietly) I don't care what happens to me, I'll-

He opens the door.

Jaffar: I will protect you for the rest of my life.

Nino: Jaffar?

Jaffar: Let's go.

They run into Ursula.

Ursula: Hello, Jaffar. Finished already? Such magnificent skill. Is this why they call you the Angel of Death? Sonia told me that you were behaving oddly, but... It appears her fears were groundless.

Nino: No! It was my fault!

Jaffar: Nino! Don't!

Ursula: What?? Why is she still alive?

Nino: Wh-What??

Ursula: You received Lady Sonia's orders, did you not? You were to dispose of the worthless little–

Nino: Wh-

But then Ursula was stabbed by Jaffar.

Jaffar: You deserve this.

Ursula: Ja-Jaffar. You traitor.

Jaffar decapitated Ursula.

Nino: Jaffar!

Soon they heard noise.

It was Sonia.

Sonia: What's going on? Has the mission been- Ursula?! Jaffar! What did you do?

Jaffar: I'm done. You horrible bitch.

Nino: Mother! How could you do this to me?

Sonia: What can the truth hurt now? Your true family for generations was the most famed house of magic wielders in all Lycia. They alone guarded the secret of the dragons. Thirteen years ago, Lord Nergal and I stole that secret.

Nino: My family?

Sonia: The father, the mother, and then the child I carried... After they revealed all of their secrets... And I slaughtered them with these very hands!! There were two children, a boy and a girl. One, the mother fought fiercely to save. She held her daughter tight as I killed her. That girl, Nino, was you!

Nino: No!

Sonia: You were still a mewling little whelp, but we took you with us. Lord Nergal thought you might be useful, so he let you live. I hated the very thought of it, but it was Lord Nergal's wish that I raise you as my daughter. We were so wrong about you! Stupid and useless beyond all reason! A worthless piece of offal! All you were was in the way!

Jaffar: YOU MONSTER!! Your soul is black and devoid!

Sonia: I never expected to hear such things from you, Jaffar! Once, you killed without hesitation at Lord Nergal's command. What happened to the man all feared, my Angel of Death?

Jaffar: Nino is the only one who has been nice to me. I will kill you for everything you've done!

Sonia: Aha ha ha ha ha ha!!! "Stay back"! How rich! How noble! So, shall I pass judgment on you, as the Black Fang must with traitors? Ha ha ha! I sentence you to death! Prepare to be punished!

But as the two begin to fight-

(Y/N): Hey!! Stop right there!

You show up with Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector.

Sonia: Arrogant fools!

Nino: Who is-

Jaffar: The four from Dragon's Gate.

(Y/N): I thought I heard something daffy. Hey bitch, you want to hurt them? Well, you'll find a better challenge in me.

Sonia: Ha! Lord Nergal's powers made me invincible! I can easily-

You appeared before her and punched her in the stomach.


She started coughing up blood.

Sonia: How dare you! I-

(Y/N): Don't you know that talking down to others is rude?

You broke her arms.

(Y/N): Now listen well Bitch! You're going to understand that what you said has signed your death warrant.

Sonia: I'm not afraid of y-

You rip out her eyes!


Everyone, even Jaffar was frightened.

(Y/N): When your minions find your body, they'll see this as a message.

30 minutes of pain for Sonia later...

(Y/N): It's done. Now, let's see if the Prince is still okay.

He turned out to be fine.

Zephiel: I don't know who you are, but thank you.

(Y/N): Jaffar, Nino, can you help us?

Nino: I- Yes. Thank you. What a horrible woman she was.

Jaffar: Thank you. You have my deepest respect.

(Y/N): Good. Hopefully the Queen will talk to us about this. Pent and Louise's contact better be worth it.

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