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As everyone went to confront Nergal, you realized something. 

(Y/N): Wait, where's Athos? 

He then appeared out of nowhere. 

Athos: I'm right here. 

Hector: You're late, Graybeard! 

(Y/N): You took your precious time. 

Athos: Use this. 

He gave you a spell. 

(Y/N): What is it? 

Athos: Aureola. The strongest light magic, wielded by Saint Elimine herself. With this, we should be able to rend Nergal's dark cloak and do him much harm. And these, too, have been infused with magic that makes them more effective against Nergal.

(Y/N): Nice! 

He also gives a special axe for Hector. 


Athos: This is the Sol Katti. The spiritual partner of the Mani Katti. 

Lyn: Thank you, Lord Athos

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Lyn: Thank you, Lord Athos. 

(Y/N): Alright, let's- 

You then remembered Merlinus. 

(Y/N): Merlinus. 

Merlinus: Yes, My Lord? 

(Y/N): Go back to the ship, and make sure not to disturb anyone. 

Merlinus: OF COURSE! I'll take good care! 

(Y/N): Your loyalty is commendable! 

And soon... 

(Y/N): NERGAL!! 

Nergal:'re here. But you're too late. The gate is already opened. I will claim the mighty quintessence of dragons. I will become stronger and move ever closer to perfection.

Eliwood: How many lives must you steal before you're satisfied!? And it's not only those who die. What about the ones left behind in pain and sorrow? What about them?

Nergal: I am who I am. The pain of others, I do not feel. The sorrow of others does not touch me. Death feeds me. Death pleases me. I am the essence I consume. You fools will become corpses here because I wish it to be. Rise and come forth, my servants!

He summoned zombified versions of Lloyd, Linus, Sonia, Ursula, Limstella, and Cain! 

(Y/N): What the hell?! This is freaky! 

Nergal: These morphs you see before you, I've given them the abilities and appearances of the people whose essences I used to craft them. Well, that's not entirely true. I've made them far more powerful. This is the ideal plan for hypocrites like you.

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