Missions Assigned!!

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You and Samus make your way through the halls, and soon enough, run into Adam's Platoon. 

(Y/N): Hope we're not interrupting some- WAGH! 

There was a corpse of a scientist in the middle, with green sticky wounds over his body. 

GF Trooper: He's dead ... something or someone must have attacked h- 

A bug crawls out. 


He fires at the bug. 


Lyle soon calmed down. 

(Y/N): Hey, Adam, I don't think it would be safe for you and your men to further. Listen, you need to leave. Let Samus and I handle this. We dealt with a bunch of even more dangerous monsters on Zebes. That includes Ridley and Mother Brain, we can handle it. 

Samus: He's right Adam. Please, you have to hear us out. 

But then a bunch of purple bugs start to crawl out! 

Troops: WHAT?! 

The bugs all form together to make a giant mass with a big red eyeball forming!! 

The Troops begin to battle it, and fire as much as they can to take down this monstrosity! 

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The Troops begin to battle it, and fire as much as they can to take down this monstrosity! 

But the more and more they fired, the less expected damage they did. 

Adam: (Y/N), Samus, you have my full authorization. Destroy it. 

(Y/N): Heh, now that's more like it. Hmmm ... Samus, use the Ice Beam! 

She did just that, her Ice Beam froze the arms in place, as well as the bottom part of the body. 

(Y/N): Now- 

You broke apart the frozen areas, and then pulled out the eye of the big mass, and- 

(Y/N): Sorry Bug Boy, but you're dead meat. 

You crushed it. 

The Troops seemed relieved that the thing was gone. Lyle was exasperated at having to deal with so many bugs. 

Adam: Now, both of you. You're both be accepted to help on this mission. But, you have to follow my orders. 

He turns to Samus. 

Adam: Any Objections, Lady?

(Y/N): Uh... Samus? 

She just coldly gave him a thumbs down. 

(Y/N): Right. I can see that we need to do some talking. 

You pulled her aside. 

(Y/N): What the hell was that? 

Samus: I know that if Adam does something else, you would really lose your temper. I'm just looking out for you. 

(Y/N): Samus. I know. I really lost it there. I'm sorry, but- He might know something about this Research Station. Let's find it out. Our own way. 

Samus just smiled and nodded. 

Samus: Right. 

And so... 

Adam: We need to gather all the information we can, but priority one, is to find any survivors and bring them to safety. Here's what we do know: the equipment we thought had been destroyed is operational again, and we've seen casualties attributed to an unidentified and lethal creature. The situation is critical. We need to gather all the information we can, but priority one is to find any survivors and bring them to safety. Consider this site extremely dangerous. Be careful as you make your sweeps. And there's one problem.

Everyone brought their attention to Adam. 

Adam: The wireless interference in this facility is all-pervasive. Your comm systems are useless. As a result, communication channels will be limited to the facility's navigation booths. Now- Lyle! Investigate Sector 1. And show a little restraint with the explosives. Maurice! You cover Sector 2. Repair any equipment you come across. Anthony! You're Sector 3. I'll leave it to you to decide whether plasma guns are called for. James! Check out the Control Bridge. Our communication issues might be the result of electrical interference. And, K.G.! Run a complete sweep of the residential quarters and investigate any trace of survivors.

Troops: RIGHT!/Affirmative!/Got it!/ALRIGHT!/I'm on it, Commander!

The troops headed out. 

(Y/N): And us? 

Adam: I want you two to head over to restore power to the main reactor. 

(Y/N): Right! 

Samus: Okay, Adam. 


You and Samus arrive, only to see a bunch of nasty-looking bugs flying around.

(Y/N): Samus, I'll deal with the bugs, you work on the reactor. 

Samus: Got it! 

You start tearing the bugs apart, and using Ki blasts on the hives, all while Samus works on the reactor. 

Samus: I think ... I almost ... come on. Yes. 

The reactor turns back on, and- 

Adam: (intercom) (Y/N), Samus, come in. 

(Y/N): Reading you, Adam. 

Adam: Head over to Sector 1. Lyle has found a facility, that might procure some interest. 

(Y/N): Got it. Come on Samus, we're going to Sector 1. 

Samus: Right. 

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