The Girl from the Plains!!

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You wake up from a strange dream where something had taken place.

(Y/N): Something about ... a girl? And there was- A kingdom in danger? A box opening. Man, what a strange dream. Hmm ... let's see what the Phantom Ruby has got.


After checking the object for a while, you managed to detect something.

(Y/N): Why do my dreams always have to be so damn accurate?

Using the artifact, you were able to open the portal, and then-

You end up in a grassy plain area...

(Y/N): How peaceful, and yet-

???: Huh, who's there?

(Y/N): I come in peace, fair lady. I am (Y/N).

???: Is that so? Well, a please (Y/N). My name is Lyndis.

Lyndis (Prefers to be called Lyn! Comes from the Lorca Tribe! Don't underestimate her! She has no tolerance for misogyny and racism! Voiced by Wendee Lee!)

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Lyndis (Prefers to be called Lyn! Comes from the Lorca Tribe! Don't underestimate her! She has no tolerance for misogyny and racism! Voiced by Wendee Lee!)

(Y/N): Why hello there Lynd-

Lyn: Please, call me Lyn.

(Y/N): Right! Lyn! So, what have you been up to n-

You heard a noise in the distance.

Lyn: Bandits. They're attacking that village.

(Y/N): Is that so? Well-

You take out Dragonslayer.

(Y/N): I've always wanted to try another fantasy adventure!

Lyn: What?

(Y/N): Nothing.

Lyn: It is alright. Now, I'm ready to fight by your side.

And so...

You and Lyn easily take out any bandits who dare to attack you both, and the leader comes out.

???: What is wrong with you idiots? You're dealing with flies! I might as well-

???: What is wrong with you idiots? You're dealing with flies! I might as well-

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(Y/N): You're the leader? Pathetic.

Batta: WHAT?! Who do you think you are? You think you can stand up to Batta the Beast?

(Y/N): Heh, only those who call themselves something like that are wimps.


Batta goes to attack you with his axe, but all of his gang watch as his head goes flying off his body.

The bandits all looked scared.

(Y/N): Anyone else want to try?

They fled super fast.

Lyn: That was ... amazing! (Y/N) how did you-

(Y/N): I've been training a long time.

She then put her hands on yours.

Lyn: Train me!

(Y/N): Really?

Lyn: Yes! I want to be stronger! Please!

(Y/N): Well, what would your folks say?

Lyn: My folks? My ... mother and my father... died six months ago. My people—the Lorca—they don't... I'm the last of my tribe. Bandits attacked, and... they killed so many people. The tribe was shattered. My father was our chieftain, and I tried to protect our people. But I'm so young, and our people were old-fashioned. They wouldn't follow a woman. No one would follow me.

(Y/N): What?! BULLSHIT! Mysoginistic assholes! Lyn, I'll help you take those bastards down!

Lyn: You will?! THANK YOU!

She hugged you, and you blushed.

(Y/N): This is going to be a good adventure, I can tell!

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