Holy Matrimony!!

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You and Misty ended up seeing a sign of a young boy, and well- 

(Y/N): Don't tell me. Is this who I think it is? 

Jessie: It must be ... but it can't be- 

(Y/N) and Jessie: JAMES?! 

The boy did indeed look like James!

Just then a limousine pulled up! 

(Y/N): WHAT THE?! 

A butler came out with a megaphone. 

Butler: Excuse me, but do you two happen to recognize the boy in that photo? 

(Y/N): Uh ... is his name James? 

Butler: YES! OH THANK GOODNESS!! Please, you must come! 

The two of you hesitantly get in the Limo. 

From nearby... 

The Team Rocket Trio noticed the photo. 

James: Oh no. Don't tell me it's them. 

Jessie: Hey, James. This boy looks a lot like you. 

James: You really think so? He looks pathetic. 

Meowth: Heh, that's what she means James. 

Jessie: Maybe this requires further investigation! Let's go! 

James: I don't know. Maybe we should just- 

Jessie and Meowth: OH NO YOU DON'T!!! 

They dragged him off. 

With that...

Butler: OH THE POOR MASTER!! He ran far away from home, and we haven't seen him since. 

(Y/N): Ow. That's heartbreaking. 

Butler: His parents couldn't handle the events of the outcome, and they died of broken hearts. 


Misty: Those poor people. 

The limo begins to pull up to the mansion. 

(Y/N): Wow, that's a pretty big mansion. 

Butler: Hey! That's just the dog house of Growly, Master James' favorite Pokemon. That's the real mansion. 

It was double the size of the dog house, and well as big as your mansion. 

(Y/N): Man, reminds me of my mansion. 

Inside there were two coffins... 

(Y/N): Man, I really don't know what to think of this. 

Misty: You're really thinking of finding James and telling him about this? 

(Y/N): Yes. 

Butler: Oh please do! Master James is supposed to inherit his family fortune in less than 1 hour. 

(Y/N): Oh boy. 

With that... 

It didn't take that long to find James, since Jessie and Meowth had dragged him to listen in on everything from before. 

(Y/N): Oh what great timing. Listen, James, you need to go to your parents funeral, and- 

James: WHAT?! NO! NEVER! 

Jessie: What? Are you that stupid?

Meowth: You're missing out here man! You could be rich beyond your wildest dreams!

Shounen Hero Book 10!!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant