Mission 2!!

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You, Eri, and Fio arrive in an area where well a bunch of scientists were running off in fear.

(Y/N): Hey! I already went to a space station, I need to ask why you all are running aw-

???: Brains.

A bunch of zombies were coming.

Eri: Are those zombies?!

(Y/N): Well, time to go nuts on these undead bastards!

You stay blasting Zombie heads off, and Fio was getting some action too, through-

Fio: BURN!!!

She used her flamethrower to burn them alive.

Eri: A little quick to the trigger there, Fio.

Fio: I have to admit, this is actually fun.

After a long while...

You guys finally uncovered the strange source of this trouble!

You guys finally uncovered the strange source of this trouble!

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Eri: What the hell is that thing?

(Y/N): It's a- WOAH

You pushed them out of the way, since a giant monolith came crashing out of nowhere!

(Y/N): This thing is slamming monoliths down!! WASTE IT! KILLER QUEEN!!

You started to place bombs as much as you could around the thing, and-

(Y/N): Go away you freaky alien invaders!!!

You activated the bombs, and-


The entire thing blew up!

(Y/N): Whew. No more of that 2001: Space Odyssey freaky shit.

Eri and Fio couldn't help but laugh. You were putting them in a very good mood with your antics.

(Y/N): Thank you! I'll be here all night!

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