Iruma-Chan and Friends!!

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You and Medaka continued to search around the school, but there was no sight of the particular person that you were looking for.

Medaka: (Y/N), how are we supposed to find her?

(Y/N): Well ... hey Iruma-Chan! I need some help, please!

And like magic, she appeared out of the flesh.

???: (Y/N) I'm sorry! I was helping some others.

Iruma Suzuki (She was raised by abusive parents who were too lazy to work! This has caused her to become a massive doormat! They sold her to the Demon Lord Sullivan, who wanted a granddaughter to spoil! She is usually thrust into crazy situations ...

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Iruma Suzuki (She was raised by abusive parents who were too lazy to work! This has caused her to become a massive doormat! They sold her to the Demon Lord Sullivan, who wanted a granddaughter to spoil! She is usually thrust into crazy situations at Babyl's Demon School!)

(Y/N): It's no problem at all Iruma.

Medaka: Hello there Ms. Suzuki, I'm Medaka Kurokami.

Iruma: H-Hello.

Medaka: (Y/N) has told me how much you push yourself, and I want to make sure that you can get all of the help that you need.

Iruma: Oh, I don't believe that this is nec-

Medaka: No, no, I actually enjoy helping others very much!

Iruma: (blushing) W-Well ... thank you (Y/N) and you too Medaka.

???: MASTER!!!

Another demon appeared.

(Y/N): Azz.

Azz: Master! Don't go around them, you'll just get hurt!

Asmodeus Alice (Also known as Azz! He is the descendant of Demon Lord, Asmodeus! He is a very popular student who now hangs with Iruma after she accidentally suplexed him with a forbidden tome which makes sure she doesn't fall over for a day! He i...

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Asmodeus Alice (Also known as Azz! He is the descendant of Demon Lord, Asmodeus! He is a very popular student who now hangs with Iruma after she accidentally suplexed him with a forbidden tome which makes sure she doesn't fall over for a day! He is very obsessed with Iruma's safety and is indebted to her! Voiced by the late Billy Kametz! (May he rest in peace.))

(Y/N): Azz, can you n-

Azz: SHUT UP! How dare you dirty her presence!!

Iruma: Azz, it's not that big of a-

???: Oh N/N!!

(Y/N): Clara.

Suddenly you were glomped by this cute thing!

Clara Valac (Iruma's hyperactive and sort of crazy friend! She's pretty much a demon version of Pinkie Pie mixed with Star Butterfly and Mako Mankanshoku! Her family is known for their pockets which lets them carry anything they want! Her attracti...

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Clara Valac (Iruma's hyperactive and sort of crazy friend! She's pretty much a demon version of Pinkie Pie mixed with Star Butterfly and Mako Mankanshoku! Her family is known for their pockets which lets them carry anything they want! Her attractiveness levels are less then a baby's due to her craziness! She loves playing pretend with dark scenarios!)

Clara: N/N! I missed you! Come on, let's play house! How about you be the husband who kills his cheating wife?

(Y/N): Uh ... maybe later Clara.

Clara: Okay!

Medaka: Iruma, your friends are sweet!

Iruma: Thank you.

Medaka: Now, is there anyone I should be speaking to?

Iruma: Well-

Clara: You could ask Ameri Azazel, our Student Council President.


Clara: Come on Azzy, can't you go a few seconds without being so stuck up? You're no fun.

Medaka: Great! I bet I'll like her!

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