Day at the Beach!!

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You brought Kanna, Chloe, and Saikawa to the Lemon Beach House, and-

Eiko: Awww! (Y/N) you brought your little girls over?

(Y/N): What? No, Kanna is the only one who is my daughter here.

Saikawa: Well, hopefully a daughter-in-law I will be.

Eiko: I see. Aw, but you're all still cute, and- SQUID GIRL!! What are you doing?

Squid Girl was covered in seaweed.

Squid Girl: Well, I'm just turning myself into a Seaweed Monster. You know, in case anymore of those corporate jerks try to dump toxic waste or-

(Y/N): (sigh) She's such a child.

Squid Girl: (Y/N)! Can't you just take my side for one time?

(Y/N): Not when you're making Eiko, Nagisa, and Chizuru's jobs much harder than it has to be.

Kanna: Daddy, why does that lady look like a squid?

(Y/N): She's from the ocean. And she wants to-

Squid Girl: AHA!! PERFECT!! New recruits to my cause!! Now then, will you help me to destroy those greedy oil companies? I'll have you know that disasters like the BP Oil Spill are dangerous to the earth's oceans. And more pollution means no more beaches!

Saikawa: W-What?!

Chloe: How horrible!

Eiko just whacked her on the head.

Eiko: Knock it off.

Squid Girl: What the crab?! Stop being such a Barnacle Head, Eiko! Can't you see the bigger pi-

Eiko: Can't you see you're slacking off, instead of working?!

Kanna: She's weird.

(Y/N): But a cutie! And-

Just then...

???: Hi Squiddy!

Sanae showed up.

Squid Girl: NOT NOW!!

Sanae: And I made sure to get my camera ready for the threat to the-

Eiko: Would you both mind telling me what exactly that means?

Eiko and Sanae soon received bumps on their heads.

(Y/N): Yeah. That's not what I expected.

Saikawa: HAHAHAHAHA! Food and entertainment!

Chloe: The Squid Lady is so stupid, she's funny!

(Y/N): That is true too!


Eiko: Don't push it, Slacker!!

Squid Girl: TRAITOR!!

Shounen Hero Book 10!!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin