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The two of you continued on this adventure and ended up across a ranch where a bunch of people were preparing their Pokemon to do ... well ... something. 

(Y/N): What's up with this place? 

Misty: I don't know. Something like- 

(Y/N): A race? 

Misty: (sweatdrop) Yeah. Something like that. 

???: Well, what do you know, the great (Y/N) (L/N) coming into my ranch of all times! Name's Lara. 

(Y/N): I swear, that name Lara sounds familiar

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(Y/N): I swear, that name Lara sounds familiar. Almost similar to the famous archeologist. Well, nice to meet you L- AGH! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR LEG?! 

She seemed to have an injured leg. 

Lara: Oh sorry. I broke it. You see this jerk named Dario knocked me off my Rapidash, and now I can't ride in the race. 

(Y/N): Well, may I take your place? 

Lara: You'd do that? 

(Y/N): Sure! I happen to have a Rapidash. 


You had your Rapidash out, and were ready to take on the race! 

(Y/N): Huh? 

Dario came up on his Tauros! 

Dario came up on his Tauros! 

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(Y/N): You Dario? 

Dario: Yeah. What's it to ya? 

(Y/N): I'm taking you down! 

Announcer: On your marks! 

Everyone got ready- 

Announcer: Get set ... GO! 

And you quickly began to ran past everyone, and catch up to Dario, going neck and neck! 


You started patting it's head, and it started going faster. 

The double speed had you to surpass Dario. 


Dario tried to cause an avalanche, but well- 

You had Rapidash kick Taurus' leg, and- 

Dario: OH N- AGH!! 

He started tumbling down, and fell so far behind! 



You gave the trophy that you won to Lara. 

Lara: Th-Thanks (Y/N). Oh, and this is for you. 

She gave you a kiss on the lips. 

(Y/N): Oh, that was a good kiss. 

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