Chapter 126

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When Izuku stepped out of the gate back into the room he and Hitoshi shared he didn't expect Bakugo to be there too. He had that same look he had back when he had helped Mineta. Izuku really hoped they weren't about to fight over him spending time with his own brother. Even if the make up sex is amazing, the constant back and forth over dumb shit is really starting to annoy Izuku. So with hope that he was wrong he smiled and moved into give him a morning kiss like he usually would. His reaction would determine if he was willing to put up with his nonsense today.

"Morning Kacchan" Izuku said as he put his arms around his boyfriends waist and went in for the kiss and to judge his reaction to it.

To his delight he got a small smile and a willing kiss in return. "Morning Izu" he greeted him. That troubled look remained though even if it was softened by the affection Izuku showed him.

Izuku looked over to his brother who somehow was still asleep, the thought of waking him didn't sit well with him. Not, yet he needed to know what had rubbed Bakugo the wrong way and why he's in his room so early.

"So are you going to tell me why you have a grumpy face again, i mean it's kind of cute but I hope it's not because I helped my brother." he said poking the indent Bakugo's knitted together brows made.

"No, it's-" he started but cut himself off looking uncertain if he should go ahead.

"Kacchan?" Izuku asked as he adjusted his hands so they were wrapped around his neck instead of his waist. He waited wanting him to carry on.

"I don't want to fight." he finally said looking slightly defeated.

"I do enjoy the end of us fighting" Izuku said playfully before agreeing "I don't want to fight either though."

"What do we do then?" Bakugo asked only slightly blushing at Izuku's comment.

Izuku smiled at him moving to hold his face "well the fact that you aren't moping and taking it out on me means we can talk about it." he told him

Bakugo searched his eyes for something before asking "You sure?"

He blushed again and look away from Izuku "I mean I know it's stupid -"

"If it bothers you it isn't stupid." Izuku cut him off and made him look at him at the same time so he saw he meant that.

His eyes search Izuku's face again, he seemed to find what he was looking for as he nodded and asked the question that seemed to be bothering him "why was Todoroki in here last night?"

Izuku simultaneously relieved and slightly annoyed with an odd addition of arousal. Relieved that Bakugo had grown enough to ask him about something before he jumped to his own conclusions and turned cruel because of it. He felt annoyed that Bakugo was so quick to make jealous and he supposed the arousal came from the ingrained patterned they had. Fight, have reality altering sex and then make up feeling closer than before. They definitely needed that session with Hound dog. Does he even do couples counseling? 

Izuku quickly snapped out of his rapidly accelerating train of thought when he realized he hadn't said anything since the question. Bakugo is jealous of Todoroki so now was not the time to let his mind wander. Silence would look like he's hiding something. He was about to explain how he has nothing to worry about when a wave of pride hit him and he threw himself at Bakugo giving him a deep kiss.

Bakugo moaned into him at the sudden kiss before he regained himself and pulled away smiling despite himself. "What was that about" he asked

"I'm just so proud that you asked instead of being weird about it all." He said giving him a wide smile.

Bakugo looked confused but Izuku just kept smiling at him. Just before it seemed like Bakugo was going to ask again Izuku spoke up. "It's kind of like with Mineta, though i can actually do more than just give advice. I can actually help."

"Help?" Bakugo asked clearly wanting to know more. 

Izuku just gave a sad smile. "It's not my place to tell you but I'm sure you're clever enough to figure it out. His dad is Endeavor." Izuku told him looking even more sad than just a minute ago.

Bakugo certainly could figure it out, after all he knows what it's like to live with an angry parent and Endeavor? Well he seemingly radiated absolute fury and distain for the world as a whole. If he followed that logic, maybe Half n Half wanted to escape his dad. 

He could relate to that, not that he personally had a choice in the matter. He remembers how relieved and sad he felt when the hag kicked him out. . . He hated that he could see himself partly in the flame hero. That he even closely resembled someone who could make their kid feel even a fraction of how he feels when around his parents.

He smiled at Izuku and kissed his forehead. "You're too good for the world, you know that, right?"

"Kacchan. . ." Izuku whined as his face burned red and he snuggled into his boyfriend's chest.

Bakugo squeezed his sides as he looked over to his brother who was either really still asleep or a very good actor. "and eyebags? he okay?"

Izuku lifted his face to look over to Hitoshi. "last night was. . . busy" is all he said before deepening his hug.

"Also just a heads-up, my dad or Nezu is probably going to talk to you today"

Bakugo sighed "Ah shit, I hoped that he forgot. . ."

"Kacchan . . ." Izuku whined again in an almost scolding manner.

"I know, no such luck." he smiled in response

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