Chapter 19

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Uncertain about leaving the boy with someone he's clearly scared of for some reason "I'm not sure I should leave. This one still needs to go to the infirmary."

"Yeah I know I can take him no need to strain yourself Sebby." Jared kept looking between Izuku and the counselor he calls Sebby.

Seb caught his darting eyes "What's up with you Jared?"

"What do you mean?" Jared asked rubbing his neck clearly nervous

Growing more suspicious he decided to press Jared for answers "Why do you want me out of the way?" 

"Wha-? What makes you say that?"

That stutter was so out of character Seb was now convinced something was going on Jared didn't want him to know about. "You know damn well room 38 is at the other end of this place." 

Not giving the obviously nervous Jared a chance to talk his way out he kept going. "Also why is this one scared of you? He's practically shaking like a leaf at the mere sight of you..."

"Ah w-well you see i may have scolded him a bit too harshly when he wasn't in his room for lights out."

"He's scared of you over a talking down?" Seb thought to himself it was possible but why all the secrecy then? Before he had time to wonder too much about it another boy came rushing in. It was one of the stubborn ones who didn't leave when he told them to disperse. 

Seb sighed heavily. "This place is falling apart... WHY exactly aren't you in you're room during a code yellow young man?!" 

"Sorry sir it's just I think you need to see this" Handing Seb a note.

"I-is this what I think it is son?! How did you-" 

The boy interrupted him. "The code yellow sir, h-he and this one are my neighbors" The boy's eyes stayed looking at Izuku who was still in a ball softly crying and hugging his knees.

"i-I see." Seb said taking the note opening it to read.

If you find this it's important that you make sure to not give it to Jared. If Jared is the one who found this... well fuck. Guess you won you sick fuck.

To Izuku i really hope you're gone by the time they call the yellow. I hope you find some form of happiness away from here. I can't say it gets easier to live with this. I did for far too long. Don't let anyone tell you it's your fault. Don't let anyone tell you it's not that bad just because it just happened once. It was one times too many. Please dont feel guilty for how your body reacted either. It's natural and he exploited that. The only one to blame here is him. Not you. I'm sorry i couldn't tell you all this face to face because if i'm honest it's the same things i've told myself since i was little and they've always felt like lies. In my head i know it's true but if i was able to sort out what's true and how things made me feel there wouldn't be a code yellow today would there?

If whoever is reading this is not Jared please do something about him. I've grown up in a house where i was used as a toy for sex since i can remember. Read my file i'm here for finally doing something about it. While i've been here Jared has used me and many others for the very same purpose. He likes to get close to you. Make you feel loved for the first time in your life for just being you. Then he takes it further. Makes you feel guilty for enjoying yourself. Something you have no control over. Trust me i know. Then he makes you return the "favour". Afterwards he uses you till he gets bored or finds a new toy. Izuku my roommate was his latest toy.

I'm sick of this fucking world. Nothing changes and it seems like the bad guys always win. Worse still it looks like all the "good" guys are just bad guys pretending. Is there such a thing as a decent person? Suppose it's destroyed as you grow up. If that's what it means to "grow up" i don't want it. I'm getting off this fucked up ride.

Cya around. 



Seb grew angrier and angrier as he read the note. He tried to constrain himself best he could turning to the boy who brought the letter. "Thank you for bringing this to me. Please go get the dean for me"

"Okay sir." He turned to leave but was stopped by a hand on his shoulder.

"Where do you think you're going son? I'm afraid i cant let you leave. It's obvious i've been caught but i'll be taking a snack for the road"

"Eww no thanks" The boy used his quirk and turned into a thick water like liquid and escaped into the tap of the sink.

"Well i've never fucked crazy before guess this broken doll with have to do" Jared started to approach Izuku with the intent of picking him up. A booming voice made him stop and seemed to make him unable to move.


Seb was confused but glad by the appearance of this man. "Ah dean Satou-san thanks for coming so quickly but please do not let go of your quirk. You should read the note the code yellow left." Seb handed the note over to Satou-san. "I'm amazed the boy I sent to get you was that quick though..."

"What boy Seb?" Taking the note from the man and opening it. The dean read through the note in disbelief, a molester right under their noses. He couldn't believe all these years the staff thought the boys loved him. Instead they were just scared of him. Seb brought him out of his head "I sent a boy to get you but you showed up incredibly fast." 

"I don't know anything about another boy Seb. I just happened to be walking past on my way to deal with the code yellow." He reread the bit about Izuku. "I would like to know though, this Izuku? Do we know where he is?" Satou-san asked of Seb who nodded and pointed to the boy on the floor who was crying softly. 

The dean nodded grimly. "Izuku... young man?" Seb told the dean about his hearing and how he had stabbed his own eardrums. The dean grimaced at the thought of doing something like that to yourself.

"Right the police are already on the way as is protocol for a code yellow please go flag down an officer to come take this monster away too." Seb did as he was told and left grateful for the dean's strong quirk holding Jared petrified in place. The dean sat on his heels and faced Izuku. he shook his shoulder to make him look. When Izuku looked up the dean was writing on a small notepad.

I'm dean Satou. I'm in charge here, I know you can't hear right now but you need to see something. It's not going to be easy and I'm sorry for doing this but it's what Tobio wanted. Please know you're not in trouble and He is being dealt with.

The dean gave the notebook to Izuku and watched him read. Izuku looked confused but nodded when he finished reading what the dean wrote. Satou put his notebook down and got the note from Tobio in his pocket handing it to Izuku hoping the words his friend left would help a bit and not cause more harm.

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