Chapter 95

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Izuku held onto Kirishima far too tightly than was necessary when he saw his father's car come down the road, but he wasn't risking him breaking free to fall to his death. Though Given his first hand experience this particular roof height would've just left him severely paralyzed if he were to jump.

"Ouch, I know you're mad but do you have to grab me so hard?" Kirishima whined at him

"It's not because I'm mad, just not risking you trying to break free as we get off the roof. Besides I'm more annoyed with you than mad by now." Nonetheless he made sure he wasn't touching anywhere near his wounds.

This conscious effort seemed to be enough for Kirishima to stop squirming. Perhaps he really was hurting him? Izuku hoped not.

Then from the direction of the ground he heard his father call out "Izuku?!" 

"Coming dad!" he called back 

Izuku looked him in the eyes trying to be gentle in his words even if he couldn't be with his grip. "It's time Kirishima. . ."

He simply nodded his understanding.

Izuku made his way off the roof while holding Kirishima seeing his father and Recovery girl walking over as he landed and loosened his grip on him.

"Hi dad, hey recovery girl." he greeted them

They looked at Izuku like he had a second head given how calm he was in this situation. Again he's reminded that thoughts of this nature are not supposed to be common place. That dry runs of a suicide plan isn't something healthy people are familiar with.

Maybe it's the nature of his quirks but Izuku disregard for death has only gotten worse. He's always seen it as a better place than this world. That dying isn't worthy of the amount of drama it's occurrence demands of society.

A contradictory view given he just went out of his way to save someone. He had to admit to himself slowly but assuredly Izuku has found meaning and a cause for fighting to live. Even if he stumbles some days his view now skews in the direction of pushing through it to live.

Recovery girl barely acknowledged Izuku apart from a glance as her sole priority was determining the damage Kirishima had done to himself. She walked over to him much faster than should be possible for her short stature. 

She took his wrist and saw how his quirk was keeping the wounds close. She shook her head and sighed. "I cant do anything here, if I use my quirk it wouldn't heal all the way but his quirk would release and he'd bleed out."

She retrieved a medical kit out of one her jacket's many magically deep pockets and wrapped Kirishima's wrists tightly. Then she started shoving him towards the car. "Come on Shota we need the hospital" Talking in Aizawa's direction.

"Izuku I- " His father wanted to say something to Izuku but was cut off by Recovery girl honking the car's horn and shouting at him. "NOW PLEASE!"

Izuku smiled at him. "I know dad, love you too. Now please go save that musclebound idiot."

With that he ran back to the car and they drove off to the hospital in quite a hurry, no doubt at the behest of recovery girl. She can be quite scary when she wants to be. Izuku took to the air again this time without the pressing need to go fast he let the wind glide over him and through his hair. 

It was quite relaxing he had to admit and feared if he allowed himself he could easily fall asleep mid flight. The image of him floating around asleep made him chuckle but he sped up to stay awake nonetheless.

Perhaps it was a trick of the mind but he seemed to be back at the dorms quicker than when he left in a rush. His feet had barely touched the floor when most of the class was upon him with various questions. 

"Is he okay?"

"Why isn't he with you"

"Did Sensei find you?"

"We couldn't find him here"

Izuku held his hands in the air to make them all be quiet. He did his best to relay what had happened, apart from the bit about the kiss with Bakugo. Bakugo did say he was going to come out but he hasn't yet. Not to mention he'd be exposing someone who hasn't figured himself out yet. Kirishima needs to come back to people not judging him over a mistake.

"So My dad and recovery girl took him to the hospital, I'm sure he's going to be fine guys. Well not fine but he's going to live." 

He finished his story and there came a general sense of relief across the dorm.  It seems everyone deeply cares for him. It's no wonder given how he's always there for everyone else. So much so that it was a running joke that someone needs to feed the golden retriever as he would forget to eat when he was busy with something for someone else. Which was almost always.

Everyone started to leave to go about their own routines when Bakugo stepped closer to Izuku and cleared his throat loudly. Naturally most of them stopped and looked his way. What he did next surprised even Izuku.

He grabbed his waist and pulled him closer and without hesitation gave Izuku a full on kiss with tongue and everything. This was certainly not how he expected him to tell everyone. Most of the class looked on in shock  not even sure what to make of it.

Iida broke the silence and seemed to be somewhere between confused and angry. "Bakugo pulling pranks on your classmates isn't nice, especially given how we've spent this morning."

"It's not a prank four eyes. Deku is my b-boyfriend" He said it with a his usual tone until the actual word for their relationship came up and you heard how nervous he was.

Uraraka spoke up next "Since when?!!" far more excited over this and quite obviously happy for the distraction from this morning's events.

They were peppered with questions by some of the class, most of them just congratulated them and when back to their own things. Before they knew it was just about time for school to start. Izuku and Bakugo went to shower and endured a light teasing from the others as they walked by. Little did they know how far they've already gone.

Most of the class raided the cupboard for cereal while others opted to skip breakfast. Izuku fell into the skipping breakfast portion. He's never been one to actively seek heaps of food early in the morning. 

The walk to homeroom was filled with sideways glances as Bakugo had taken Izuku's hand as soon as they left the dorms. Izuku was used to having people whisper about him but this is the first time he didn't mind. He was able to hold Kacchan's hand and a few gossip fueled whispers was well worth the price if this was what it had bought him.

The class entered their homeroom on what promised to be a much better day than how it had started out. This hope didn't live long as All Might was waiting for them. Izuku had entirely forgotten he was teaching today's class.

Right settle in, settle in children. You are to change into your gym clothes and assemble at the front gate of the campus. Given how well you performed in the Battle trail portion of my assessment, today we will be doing rescue training at an offsite facility. The U.S.J building. Nobody made a noise but Izuku could almost hear the internal unanimous groan at the thought of spending the entire day with this air bag.

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