Chapter 87

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Izuku felt slightly bad for kind of ruining the first real date he and Bakugo were on. Though he recognized this was just his paranoia making him overthink it. He was certain Bakugo was grateful they took the time to help his friend. . .

Izuku wanted to be able to call Kirishima his friend too but there was a nagging in the back of his head he was unable to silence. Kirishima had a crush on Bakugo when they were at camp. Does he still have those feelings? Were they actual feelings and not just a friendly face in a horrific scenario. 

Izuku was in his own head with these thoughts when they got to the front of the queue to get their food. Bakugo ordering something ridiculously spicy as usual and Kirishima seemingly copying him ordered the very same thing. Preposterous as it was this sent Izuku into full alert mode. Was there actually something to worry about with Kirishima?

Izuku found himself observing the smallest movements Kirishima was making. Something as innocent as placing his hand on Bakugo's shoulder as they backed out of the queue letting others in. Izuku was so distracted trying to watch Kirishima he didn't really pay attention to what he was ordering. 

They all left to find a spot to eat and settled on the bleachers next to the go kart track. Izuku made sure to stick close to Bakugo as they walked. As they took their seats it required all of  his willpower to not physically sit on top of him to claim Bakugo as his own.

Kirishima must've sensed Izuku's feelings as he had sat a reasonable amount of distance away from Bakugo, instead opting to sit nearer to Izuku himself. Finally feeling like he can relax a bit he shrugged of the tinge of guilt he felt for his behavior and dug into his food.

Within the second the food had touched his tongue Izuku knew he had mad a horrible mistake. In his distraction he must've somehow ordered the same thing both Bakugo and Kirishima had. They were happily eating away while Izuku thought he'd been sent to hell early. His mouth certainly resembled it. 

Izuku coughed and hit his chest barely uttering out "water..."

Bakugo was confused by what Izuku said as it was so soft?

Izuku mustered what he could and nearly yelled at Bakugo "WATER!"

"oh my god did you order the same thing too?" He asked finally catching on what Izuku meant.

Izuku didn't respond beyond just repeating "Water. . ."

"Deku you idiot you know you cant handle spicy stuff! Go to the bathroom we'll go see if they sell milk anywhere. . . " Bakugo instructed as he and Kirishima made haste to go look for said milk.

Izuku gave a nasty glare to Bakugo as he left for calling him an idiot but his mouth could care less about his feelings at the moment. It was on fire and needed immediate attention. Izuku made for the restrooms doing his best not to hurt anyone as he sped through the crowd.

Izuku was about halfway there when he walked right into someone else sending both of them to the ground. Izuku landed with his hand right into a broken bottle with the shard sticking right through his hand. 

On the upside that seemed to have kicked his healing quirk into gear and his mouth was no longer burning. Izuku briefly wondered why that didn't happen immediately like every other type of injury.

He didn't have long to ponder about it however as he was being helped up by some of the people around them. Some of them were trying to do the same for the person he had run into too but he was berating them for touching him. He clearly needed the help though as he had fallen into a patch of spilled soda. Izuku thanked the people around him for helping him up and made his way to who he ran into. 

Izuku was about to reach out to help him up when he just heard him say curtly "Don't!"

"Uhm I'm sorry I ran into you, let me help you please." Izuku realized it was a bit awkward to accept help from strangers let alone the one responsible for knocking you down but found his refusal of any help a bit odd.

As if he had read his mind the boy gave an explanation "You cant, it's too dangerous."

This made more sense to Izuku, given that there are times it's dangerous to touch him too. "Oh is it your quirk?"

He grunted an agreement "Yeah you cant touch my skin."

Izuku scoffed a bit "oh is that all? That's easy then"

Izuku used his telekinesis to put the boy upright again like this was a daily occurrence. This startled the boy making him slightly panic before Izuku put him back down again, he seemed to calm down once he realized how Izuku was helping him though.

By now the on site medical staff had made their way over and insisted on checking both of them out. Izuku made one of them faint when he remembered about the glass shard still in his hand by nonchalantly ripping it out of his hand.

Izuku felt slightly guilty whilst the other boy gave a genuine laugh. Though Izuku half wished he hadn't, the smile had torn his lips and they were now visibly bleeding. The more Izuku looked at him the more he realized this guy's skin is drier than a desert. He had dark circles under his eyes, something Izuku is quite familiar with given who his father and brother is. They were definitely from a lack of a proper sleep schedule.

Once the medical team were satisfied that Izuku does in fact have a healing quirk and wouldn't need their help they finished up with the other guy and left. Slightly mentally scared from Izuku's antics.

Izuku turned to face him again. "Sorry again for running into like that. Hope you're okay."

He laughed at Izuku "No worries it was my own fault I was looking for someone and got distracted"

"Oh maybe I can help you... uh.. Sorry I never got your name. I'm Aizawa Izuku" 

His eyes widened and lost a bit of light behind them once he heard the name. "Well, it seems you can help me after all then. Turns out it's you I have been looking for."

Izuku looked at him confused. "Oh?"

He smiled eerily and bowed slightly "Shigaraki at your service."

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