Chapter 70

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Given the looks on their faces the students of class 1B still had to get used to the homeroom teacher of 1A showing up in their dorm. None of them could hide the fact that they were staring as he made a beeline straight to his son's room. Not an odd thing overall but the pace at which he was moving just added curiosity as to why he would be visiting so early.

The knocking echoed throughout the silent dorm. Hitoshi opened the door and Aizawa-sensei entered leaving the gawking students still curious. Once inside their father rushed to Izuku's side as he was sitting on the bed. He examined his body best he could even knowing he has a healing quirk the urgency and concern in Hitoshi's voice had him worried. 

Neither of his sons seemed to be in a hurry to explain so he guessed it wasn't physical and not an emergency. The tension leaving his body was nearly visible. He turned to face both of them. "So kittens are both of you okay? What's going on? Talk to me, please."

Izuku didn't speak and just looked at his brother hoping he would. To which Hitoshi nodded and walked over to where he had put the bloodied blade in an old shirt. "Izuku needs help dad" as he picked up the bundle. Confusion evident on his face their father asked turning his between the two. "With what?"

Hitoshi handed him the bundle "to not hurt himself"

He carefully opened the tattered shirt and revealed a knife of unknown origin covered in dried and what appears to be less dry blood. Color had left his face. Just because Izuku can heal doesn't mean this isn't a serious issue. Just by the amount of blood alone he must've done serious damage and is probably only alive because of his quirk.

Izuku saw the inner dialogue that must've been going on inside his father's head and spoke up. "please don't be mad at Hito-nii, he didn't know. It's only been two times... I know you're disappointed but I-"

He was cut off by his father pulling him into a hug. "I'm not mad kitten. I'm sad that I didn't know you felt this way. I'm frustrated that I cant take away your pain." he then positioned Izuku so he could look him in his eyes. He held his head in his hand "I'm far from disappointed in either of you. You recognized something isn't right and that you cant fix it alone. I'm proud of both of you"

Izuku looked at his father and took time to process what he's just been told. He knew that he would help him but he definitely expected to get into some sort of trouble. Izuku smiled and cried at the same time confusing his brother and father.

"Izuku?" both of them asked in unison

He looked between both of them. "You really are the best family anyone can hope for."

Their father pulled both of them close to him at the same time for a group hug. They stayed like that for a bit and when they broke the hug he looked Izuku in the eyes again. "Now then kitten, tell why you started doing this again? It's been years."

They spent the next half hour with Izuku retelling them about the events that led to him cutting again. How Hannah faked being his secret admirer all the way to the last confrontation with Bakugo before he came over to Hitoshi's dorm. During that time Hound dog had come over too so Izuku wouldn't have to keep repeating it over and over again. At the end it was decided that Izuku could stay the night with his brother but had to be under supervision for the next three days. His sessions with Hound dog were now daily instead of twice a week.

Once Izuku would return to his own dorm he could choose a classmate to help him stay grounded. Izuku had an idea of who but he'd take the night to think about it. After the events of today Izuku wasn't really hungry but his family insisted he at least try to eat. So once both adults left them with instructions Hitoshi took his brother to the kitchen.

Once they left his room though it was easy to notice that the whole dorm was gossiping about how two teachers were in their dorm. How both of them happened to go and come from the same room. The room who's occupant and a guest they've never met just exited.

Hitoshi noticed the whispers and told Izuku to ignore them, they are just nosy. Izuku did as instructed he was too drained to care about other people he'll likely see very little of anyways. His face lit up as they entered the kitchen however. He recognized that aroma anywhere. Katsudon. 

"Have you been learning to cook or is this take out?" Izuku asked genuinely curious.

Hitoshi beamed "I've been learning" he said proudly.

"About time someone learned to cook, dad seriously would've killed us at some point..."

Hitoshi just laughed, happy there's at least some spark of his brother in there. A chance to heal.

Elsewhere Aizawa having just left Nezu's office sneezed.

"bless you sir" a voice said though nobody was around.

Aizawa turned to the direction the voice came from. "Thank you miss Hagakure. Now do you understand the assignment?"

"Yes sensei. Infiltrate, recon, evidence collection. This means I pass the next test automatically right?"

Aizawa frowned at his student's lack of drive being the reason she's actually putting in effort. "Correct, though only if you remain undetected. Expose yourself and this operation doesn't exist"

He heard a "Got it!" as footsteps grew fainter and more silent.

Hagakure got closer to her target and listened as she stood around and gossiped with a bunch of other girls. "That reject really fell for it then?" one of them asked

"Hook. Line. Sinker." the target replied

with a concerned look one of them asked "what if you get caught?"

"not gonna happen. he's far too useless to figure out it was me. besides only my favorite toy knowns that number."

One of them gasped "Won't he betray you?"

She laughed forcibly " Ha! Don't display your stupidity so openly Ashley."

She carried on "I have that boy by the balls. He'll do anything to protect his precious little Izu."

They all laughed.

"Stupid little doggy that one." She started again.

One of the braver girls spoke up "I'm not sure I get why he is scared you'd do something to his boyfriend. Like you're hot Hannah but why would a fag listen to you?"

Her smile turned wicked "Same reason everyone treated me like royalty in middle school. My dad's a pretty powerful Villain." she said filled with pride.

She continued to explain "He's not scared of me, he's scared of daddy and his friends. I told him how easily I can get daddy to take care of my problems. He dates me or Izuku becomes a problem for me."

Another girl spoke up this time. "Wait isn't he already a problem after the entrance exam?"

Hannah's already wicked smile turned downright sadistic "Oh I already have payback in motion for that little stunt he pulled"

Hagakure managed to slip away before the group of girls stumbled upon her and made her way straight to Aizawa-sensei who was still in Nezu's office. As she motioned to knock the door opened and out came a girl in overhauls and goggles on her head. She managed to slip past her unnoticed and before the door closed. She cleared her throat to make her precense known.

"Ah! Miss Hagakure back already?" Aizawa-sensei asked.

"Yes sir, it's a miracle she's lasted as long as she has. Blabbers about her darkest secrets like they were cookie recipes to exchange"

Nezu clapped his paws together. "Excellent, now if you would tell me where this exchange took place if you please?"

"Right outside general studies class 1C, sir"

Nezu looked beyond pleased and set to work on his computer.

Aizawa got up an held open the door. "Thank you again for the help miss Hagakure, not a word of this to anyone if you please."

She walked out the door and said "Will do sensei, goodbye." As she left to go back to the dorm she couldn't help but wonder what exactly she just helped accomplish.

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