Chapter 65

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Life in the dorms has been interesting so far. Though at the moment it's like living in an overly large house with nobody in it. It's just him and two other students who took the option to move in early. His brother was in the building next door but he was the only one there. Izuku had just finished brushing his teeth deep in thought when he stood up and nearly jumped out of his skin. His brother's reflection was in the mirror. Again. A prank he loves to pull back home.

"HITOSHI! I told you to stop doing that back at home already." Before Izuku could properly berate his brother for scaring him he interrupted him. "So have you told him yet?"

Nervousness evident on his face he washed his face to try and hide it. "I'm going to okay" he spoke through splashes of water.

His brother sighed audibly "Izu this is the last day before everyone else has to move in."

Izuku dried his face that now showed a tinge of annoyance. "I know!"

"So?!" Hitoshi pressed

Izuku gave in. "So, I'm nervous about it okay?! The only other person i've ever liked is an asshole."

Hitoshi placed his arm around his brother. "He's not like that though"

Izuku ran his hand through his hair "I know but he's so confusing though. . ."

They started walking back to Izuku's room fearing the very person they were talking about might enter. "what do you mean" Hitoshi asked holding open the door.

Izuku turned to face his brother walking backwards as they went talking with wild hand gestures. "You've seen him. One moment he talks openly and then out of nowhere we get stuck in the loop of him reverting to short answers."

Hitoshi pondered for a bit. "Well maybe he gets nervous around you too?"

Izuku scoffed at the idea "Pff more like I start to annoy him and he's too nice to openly say it"

Hitoshi just sighed at his brother's self doubt. "Well it has to be today Izu, once everyone else gets here there may not be another chance to be alone with him like this for quite a while. Maybe ever again."

Izuku groaned and sat against the wall next to his room "I know! I know!"

Hitoshi had been over more over the last few days than when they first arrived, this fueled Izuku's curiosity. "Why are you here anyway? Just to narrate my nightmare? You need something?"

Hitoshi shuffled his feet and looked around "Ah well..."

Izuku was stunned. His brother has a secret. "Nah ah. Not fair. You know all my secrets. Spill it. NOW!" 

As they were talking the only other student who had moved in early walked past and waved at the brothers. Uraraka Ochako. Hitoshi failed to hide his blush as he waved back at her. Suddenly it all snapped into place for Izuku. Why he's been over here more and more. "Oh my gosh. You like her, don't you?"

Hitoshi made stuttering sounds as he spoke and averted Izuku's eyes "Wha- no..."

Izuku pressed "Hitoshi don't lie to me"

Hitoshi sighed unable to actually lie to his brother. "Fine... Maybe I do. I don't know. It's so flipping confusing though."

Izuku knew dating is complicated but didn't understand what his brother meant. "What do you mean?"

Hitoshi gave him a look like he was being deliberately being dense "I'm Asexual Izu."

If he was confused before he was utterly perplexed now. "I'm sorry and?"

Hitoshi couldn't understand what was so difficult to grasp about his situation. He did his best to not be annoyed and to talk through it. "What do you mean and? AND I'm not supposed to like her. Or anyone like that."

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