Chapter 110

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The drive to get the boys' father took far longer than Izuku was accustomed to now. It seemed to him as if time was moving slowly on purpose. It's been years since he felt bound by its cruel machinations. The incident with the kitchen knife this morning still fresh on his mind only compounded the feeling of being under his mother's heel again.

He was staring out the window deep in these troubling thoughts when a sudden hand in his hair made him briefly flinch. He relaxed into the touch however as he realized it was just Hitoshi who no doubt had sensed his mind spiraling again. He leant into him resting his head against his brother's shoulder.

Hitoshi adjusted the way he sat to accommodate Izuku. He continued playing with his hair, making sure he was grounded. "You okay lil bro?" he asked as calmly as he could

Izuku looked up at his brother, their eyes met and he returned his gaze forward. After a bit he replied with more of a sound than an actual answer. It did describe how he felt though. "meh"

Hitoshi wasn't sure if it was because Hawks was there but it's quite unlike his brother to not talk to him. Usually he has to pay extra attention to not miss things if he went into a mumble rant. Now he was silence itself. He ruffled a bit of hair he was playing with. 

"what's up?" he asked hoping a gentle nudge would help get him to talk.

Izuku sighed not even knowing where to begin. "just been a crazy few days..." he started and stopped again a stretch of blue sky catching his attention. 

He wished he was rushing through that forgetting his worries. Instead he was having to rely on his brother to not have another breakdown again. Hitoshi swirled a bit of his hair into a curl making smile briefly before he sighed again. 

"you know Hannah isn't even dead." he started up again

Izuku could almost feel the confused frown on Hitoshi's face before he looked up and confirmed it. 

"What? how?" He eventually asked

Izuku scoffed. "Long fucked up story that ends up with me having a sister . . ."

Hitoshi's eyes was beyond confused. "huh?!"

Izuku wasn't helping him either replying only with a "yep" making the P at the end pop

He decided on a new line of questioning to start to make sense of this new development without going down his own spiral of doubt and questions. Did this mean their dad was going to adopt her too? Or was Izuku going to go live with her now? Is he going to forget him? He briefly shook his head trying to shake the negativity off and asked "where is she?" instead.

He felt Izuku shrug his shoulders making him think he wasn't going to get an answer to anything right now but then he spoke up after a while. "Probably with Kacchan still. . ."

His tone gave away that this hurt him somehow. "what? why?" Hitoshi asked catching a glimpse of his eyes briefly. He was clearly fighting back tears and his response came in the nonsensical form of a grumble that clearly meant it's complicated. Well Izuku no doubt thought that it was clear what he meant as he didn't speak for a bit.

Hitoshi sighed and ruffled his hair again. "words Izu..." making them lock eyes. "use them..." he said.

Izuku swallowed as if trying to stop breakfast from coming up. "It's Hannah, or rather Izumi." he started making Hitoshi's frown deepen.

"Hannah was just the clones our father made her make with an artificial quirk he gave her." he continued

Artificial he wondered to himself, how does that work? Did technology like that exist? Or was it a quirk? He knows about people who use other's quirks  and Izuku who can replicate it but to give someone a quirk they weren't born with? He's never heard about that. Well apart from the Nomu's. . .

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