Chapter - 128

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The air felt heavy and laden with tension as Nezu slid over a stack of papers to Bakugo's parents to sign. He was also the only one of the adults who didn't seem all that bothered by Izuku's display of power or his displeasure at the Bakugo couple.

His dad looked annoyed, rationally he knew it wasn't because of him. Then again, when has Izuku been rational and in control when it comes to emotions? He couldn't help but feel that part of the frown on his dad's face formed because he had used his quirks like that. Paranoia is his constant companion after all.

The expression from Hound Dog didn't convey much, partly because of his canine features but mostly because he's mastered hiding his reactions. Izuku could hear him during their next session ready to "help" him master his anger. Which in turn always sparked a tiny bit of rage in and of itself for him. Sometimes anger is needed, sure he's helped him see that uncontrolled anger is dangerous but he was collected just now right? Somehow Izuku knows that won't be enough for the man...

Much more important to him though, Kacchan and how he was reacting to this. Izuku squeezed his hand and felt Kacchan slip his hand free and move his arm behind his back and around his waist. His face was hard to decode but he didn't look angry at what Izuku had done.

Izuku remembered his own face looking back at him as they walked him past a mirror the night he killed his mother. Realization that it was over, the guilt for being the cause and for feeling relieved by it. Regardless of how shitty their moms were, the simple fact remained. She remains the person who loved you at some point in your life, the person you wish desperately could and would love you again. Your mom.

This was undoubtedly twice as bad for Kacchan, his dad was also leaving his life today. Then it struck him when Masaru, still looking bored with the world, lazily and willingly signed the papers his wife had finished with. The tone with which Kacchan spoke about how his parents had sent him to the conversion camp. Masaru had written his son off long before he was signing these legal documents.

Izuku's stomach dropped in frustration. There was no point in doing anything to them. Let them sign away the privilege of having such an awe inspiring person in their lives. Let them disappear and don't drag it out just to satisfy his own sense of justice.

Just then Nezu clapped his paws together bringing him out of his own thoughts. "That covers everything I believe. This was going to be a much longer meeting but it appears that is not necessary given your cooperation." his ever present smile going wide as he finished speaking

For the first time since entering the office Masaru spoke with an annoyed tone "Fucking finally, can we leave now?"

Kacchan unconsciously gripped Izuku's blazer and shirt tighter. Izuku felt his skin getting hot. Whether it was from his own fury or Kacchan losing his own temper slightly at the nonchalance his father was showing, he wasn't entirely sure.

He was about to speak up and berate the doorstop of a man when for the first time ever the cheerful smile Nezu wears wasn't there. Instead his beady black eyes seemed to gain a dangerous glint behind them. "Not quite yet, Mr. Bakugo. . ."

He stood up from his chair and onto the table itself picking up the documents the couple had just signed. "Within these documents you willingly and of sound mind just signed there are clauses you need to be clearly aware of. For your own well-being, if nothing else."

No longer looking bored and annoyed Masaru sat in attentive listening, looking almost concerned. "What do you mean? It's just papers to sign away parental rights."

Nezu smirked but nothing behind it was kind. "True, however this particular set of documents also has a few caveats to it. Namely half of your net worth is to be set aside into a trust fund Katsuki will be able to access when he reaches legal adulthood."

Masaru made gurgling noises ready to protest such a thing but Nezu just blazed on completely ignoring the attempt to interrupt him. "Should that net worth be artificially changed to the detriment of Katsuki you forfeit ownership of all current property and their ownership shall be transferred to Kasuki."

Nezu licked his lips as Masaru opened his mouth to speak again, cutting off his interruption again. "There is also a separate fund to be made for tertiary education should Katsuki wish to attend such an institution."

To say Masaru's demeanor had changed dramatically would be a grievous understatement. Where before he looked bored, stoic and unimpressed now he was physically red with anger. His throat literally bulged ready to spew insult and vitriol at the Chimera. Nezu in turn looked outright dangerous and even Izuku wondered if perhaps he should open a gate to get everyone aside from the Bakugo's away from the mammal.

"There's no way we'll do all of that! We didn't know all of that nonsense was there! I'm not providing a cent further to that faggot!" Masaru screamed at Nezu, an accusing finger pointing at his son.

The earth itself rumbled, the windows whined threatening to shatter and slowly the chair Masaru was sitting in turned to face a furious Izuku. Eyes glowing again and hair flowing as if alive. Izuku was about to say something when he felt Kacchan's hand on his back and he spoke softly. "Izu, they aren't worth it. Breathe for me please."

It was then that he realized that he'd gotten so angry he actually wasn't breathing. He exhaled and felt himself calm with Kacchan rubbing circles on his back. "Sorry Kacchan."

"Don't be, I'm used to it by now." he said with a broken smile.

Nezu took the return to calm as an opportunity. "Like it or not Mr. Bakugo, these are the terms you agreed to. Breach of contract would be the least of your concerns should you fail to fulfil your end. Now it's time for you and your spouse to leave these grounds."

Masaru grumbled under his breath as he got up, Mitsuki followed him quickly after that, clearly eager to leave. He glared at Izuku and his son as they reached the door, he opened his mouth with a smirk. Clearly with the intention to belittle his son some more. Izuku was having none of that, he simply opened a gate and moved it across the Bakugo couple and they were gone before he could say anything.

Behind him his father sighed heavily. "Ryo, obviously we need to increase my son's sessions" he said looking at Hound Dog.

The counsellor gave a hearty chuckle. "I was about to suggest the same. Though I am glad to see him putting versions of the techniques we've talked about to use."

Izuku would scoff loudly if he didn't know everyone else would just be worried. Truth be told if Kacchan hadn't calmed him chances were high everyone would have seen how dark he can get. There was a bit of truth to what Hound Dog had said though, he was able to stay calm enough during the bit with Mitsuki...

Therapy does have its merits he found himself thinking, it's been a while since coming back that he's had a full blown panic attack like the old days. Besides he was the one to suggest couple therapy for him and Kacchan.

Izuku looked in the direction of Hound Dog, trying his best to see his dad's reaction as he asked him. "Speaking of, we were wondering if you do couples counselling or know someone sir?"

"Oh? You two seem to be doing okay." he stated with confusion on his features.

Ignoring the stern look from his father and his mumble of This is why teenagers shouldn't date. He focused on answering Hound Dog "We are, it's just we tend to talk past each other sometimes. And..."

He felt the slight blush on his cheeks admitting something like this with his dad in the room. "The way we deal with things isn't the most productive method to make sure they don't happen again." he finished saying trying his best to combat his ever growing blush and not outright say that they solve most if not all their problems with sex. Kacchan just clicked his tongue next to him and tried to hide his own red ears.

Hound Dog rubbed his chin before he said "well i'm not a specialist in couples but if it's more to do with communication like i'm gathering then sure, we can book a session and see how it goes?"

Both of them nodded.

Then a purple fluff passed through Izuku's thoughts. He turned to his dad, forgetting how embarrassed he was just a second ago. "Did you make an appointment for Hito-nii too dad?"

Who in turn nodded with a small smile. "I did kitten, thank you for caring about your brother like that."

Izuku smiled and then his dad carried on. "Now, as for what you just did. . ."

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