Chapter 90

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Izuku woke up to fishy hot breath on his face followed by what was unmistakable for anything other than the kneading paws of a cat on his chest. The sound of content purring confirmed it before he even had time to open his eyes.

He lay there eyes still closed and petting who he assumed to be midnight given the ridiculously fluffy nature of her fur coat. He was content to lay there forever forgetting any of his troubles. It's the first time since school has started that he felt fully safe enough to sleep soundly. There's nothing to be afraid of at school, yet he would constantly wake up in a cold sweat during the night.

Hound dog says it's natural for someone with the amount of trauma he's endured in his life. Izuku would just nod along in agreement while fully believing he was just being weak by expecting to feel "safe". Sure there wasn't any immediate danger in his life anymore but it's beyond stupid to think there never will be ever again in his opinion. 

Much as he wanted to meld into the bed and never have to leave ever again the nudging by Midnight had gotten more fervent as she was clearly there for more than just pets. Izuku sighed and sat up finally opening his eyes as he did so.

Midnight happily jumped down expecting him to follow her immediately. "You only want me for my thumbs and my access to a can opener. . ." Izuku fake scolded her as he nonetheless got up to follow her.

When he opened the door still half asleep he nearly tripped over his father in his sleeping bag. Carefully he stepped over him and headed for the kitchen and saw his brother raiding the cupboard for something.

"Hito-nii?" he called out in his groggy voice unsure if he was actually seeing his brother

Hitoshi spun around to the source of the greeting "Hey baby brother. You had a horrible night too?"

Izuku made his way to the food cupboard where the cat food probably is he sighed deeply in reply "Yep."

Hitoshi handed him the can opener once he found the canned food. "well am I going to have to wait all day?" he asked 

Izuku looked at him confused after he put Midnight's food down. "huh?"

Hitoshi rolled his eyes. "hug your brother you idiot."

Izuku chuckled at him "oh sure" 

As they broke apart from the hug he asked him "Did you sleep at all?"

Hitoshi rubbed his face as he leaned on the kitchen island. "Yeah first time in a while"

Izuku hopped onto the counter next to him "me too dude, I kind of hate the dorms but also kind of love them you know?"

It was Hitoshi's turn to chuckle at his brother "not really no."

Izuku turned his head to properly look at his brother. "Oh? How come?"

He sighed at Izuku's question before answering it. "It's different for you, you made friends. Everyone in my class just treats me like I'm there coz of who my dad is."

Izuku frowned at what he heard. Nobody gets to do that to his brother. "who and how dead do you want them?" he half teasingly asked him.

"HA!" Hitoshi didn't know Izuku was half serious so he just laughed at him. "It's not their fault I'm ugly and look like a villain"

Izuku punched his shoulder "I'll tell dad you need glasses"

"what?" he asked confused.

"Well you're clearly in desperate need if that's what you see." Izuku said plainly

"very funny."

Izuku looked straight ahead of him. "I'm serious though, a villain wouldn't have helped me as much as you did. We both know what a real villain looks like so knock it off Hito-nii with saying that."

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