Chapter 61

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Hawks and Izuku flew back to U.A in silence but lighter in disposition. None of his problems were fixed but Izuku for the first time had come to realize you cant shove issues away. He cant hope they solve of their own accord. They show up in one form or another, for him it had been blind rage mixed with a powerful quirk. Not a combination suited for someone who wants to become a hero. He's hurt enough people, he wants to help others. The talk with Hawks had convinced him to get the help his father wants for him. 

Both him and his brother were intending to see Hound Dog the school counselor anyways. Part of the conditions they agreed to in order to receive their phones. Izuku's original plan however meant he was never going to talk about Jared with anyone. That plan like all his plans it seems to him was foolish. It left him unsure about a lot of things but for the time being he was nervous about seeing his father again.

He's been just shy of being outright rude whenever the topic has been brought up before. His father is a kind loving and has the patience of a saint it seems sometimes. There has to be a limit to it though?

With this concern in mind he flew closer to Hawks as they neared U.A and saw the admittedly odd scene on the ground. There sat everyone they flew away from around a table with full teatime pickings. Various teacups and finger foods. Nezu sipping calmly and his father looking bored. No doubt wishing he could join his son Hitoshi who had stolen the sleeping bag their father carries. Blissfully asleep.

Nobody had noticed they had come back so Izuku descended slowly till he was directly behind his father. He wrapped his arms around his neck and shoulders. Simply saying "Sorry dad."

Aizawa put his hand on Izuku's overlapping arms on his upper chest. "Please just never run away again. We worry about you."

Before he knew what he was saying he asked confused "We?"

Aizawa sighed heavily "Yes kitten. It is we, your brother and I. I'm not trying to make you feel bad here but, Hitoshi had an episode shortly after you left. Now it's not your job to make sure he's okay nor do i expect you to solve his problems. What i do expect however is that neither of you add to each other's problems. So if you would please go tell him you're back."

A wave of guilt hit Izuku. He tried to take in what his father said about it not being his job to fix his brother but he did promise him he wouldn't ever leave him. He made his way over to the bright yellow sleeping bag Hitoshi was bundled up in. Mess of purple fluffy soft hair that always calmed both parties. He bent over and reached out his hand and played with it, instantly Izuku could tell Hitoshi's breathing slowed and calmed. 

Izuku sat down and placed Hitoshi's head on his lap continuing to play with his hair. "Hito-nii I'm sorry I left like that. I'm back and I'll always come back, so please don't worry so much about me." Hitoshi sighed peacefully in his sleep. He knew his father was listening to them, but since he wasn't facing him decided to use it to tell him he was going to take him up on his offer.

"I'm going to do what dad wants too so I don't hurt anyone else again. I don't know when I'll be able to tell you about it but I know now I cant shove it in a box and hope it goes away. That hurts people around me too."

"That's good" Hitoshi mumbled groggily.

He then proceeded to hit Izuku lightly in the stomach. "If you ever run away like that I'll make you shave your head with my quirk"

Izuku just nodded in agreement not sure if Hitoshi had used his quirk.

Hitoshi just laughed at his brother's wide eyes and lack of words in his agreement. "Cant fool you can i?

Izuku just made a sign like he was locking his lips and smiled at his brother. 

A shadow was looming over them, both of them looked up to see their father looking them over. "Now that that's established please explain to me what and why you asked Nezu for earlier and I'll decide if it's okay to do."

Izuku was stunned, he'd all but given up on getting to try it when he flew away earlier. "Uh w-well see I want to see how strong i am essentially. Like say you can carry four heavy bags of groceries at the same time from the car before you start struggling." Izuku looked around and spotted the teacups on the table where Nezu was sitting taking everything going on around him.

He pointed to them "So say you went to pick up that teacup right? Would you use the same force and strength to pick it up as you did with those heavy bags?" His father shook his head listening intently to his son.

Izuku saw this and took it as encouragement to carry on. "Well you know the difference between how much force to use when picking up or holding something heavy versus something light. I don't know at what point something is heavy for me so I hold or pick up everything with the same force. Either too much or not enough."

"Makes sense" was all his father said and walked away. Izuku wondered what the point of asking was if he wasn't going to allow it either way. Then his father hadn't gotten more than a few steps away and turned back to him. "You coming then?" he asked with a sly grin.

Izuku scrambled up nearly giving his brother a concussion when he forgot about his head on his lap. He apologized to him as he stood up gently this time.

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