Chapter 66

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The early birds spent the remainder of the day and most of the night watching movies and devouring Hitoshi's popcorn. He is still adamant that it's just plain buttered popcorn but even Uraraka agreed with Izuku that it's special.

They watched a range of genres from every hero movie All Might had made or played in to a few horrors. Izuku had hoped Todoroki would be available when he faked being scared to comfort him. Hitoshi put a lid on that plan by grabbing onto him when he actually got scared. Izuku only slightly felt guilty for selecting IT. 

They were still in the lounge area in a big sleeping pile, each of them having free reign over their own large sofas. Hitoshi however had opted to cuddle with Izuku. Everyone had woken up by the time Izuku returned to the land of the waking. When he opened his eyes he could swear he was still dreaming. There on the couch Uraraka had slept on sat Bakugo eating cereal, he already had a cohort it appeared a boy with red spiky hair and shark shaped teeth. He was hanging off of Bakugo like they've known each other for ages. 

Izuku could feel his anger bubbling up which interestingly enough made him more angry. Though he knew his source of anger was unreasonable it didn't stop it. He hated that Bakugo still had such an effect on him. To be able to induce anger at a random stranger who is probably just being overly nice on the first day everyone else is moving in.

The sounds of what is most certainly the rest of his classmates going about unpacking and moving in just washed over him and was dull, distant. Izuku was unable to properly process his surroundings, being confused from just waking up and probably a bit of overindulgence in butter popcorn. It all led to him lunging for the the empty bucket he ate popcorn out of last night and returning the contents of his stomach into it.

The sudden silence was deafening with every eye in the area turning to watch Izuku he felt sick all over again. Everyone seemed to be stuck in shock. Bakugo broke it with his usual brutish demeanor. 

"The fuck Deku?!"

Izuku didn't look up from the bucket and just flipped him off. Bakugo was furious and his displeasure was evident in the explosions he let go in his hand breaking the bowl he was holding. Milk spilled everywhere and all over him and the redhead next to him. It earned a chuckle from Izuku who regretted it when he was sick again. By now Uraraka had come over and was rubbing his back and handed him a paper towel to clean his mouth. 

Izuku took it smiling at her "Thanks Uraraka-san."

He wiped his mouth and rose in the air to avoid walking around the couch. Bakugo was shouting obscenities but he ignored him not even sure why he could be the one upset. He has no idea how lucky he is that Izuku being nauseous saved him. Izuku made his way over to the bathroom to wash up and brush his teeth. He felt much better after throwing up but the nagging feeling in the back of his mind remained. Will he forever be subject to a reaction when it comes to Bakugo? Izuku decided he needed to see Hound Dog. If he didn't overeat last night maybe he would have hurt Bakugo simply because he saw him? That's behavior anyone would expect from a villain.

He pulled out his phone to text him. When he opened his phone he saw a message from a contact he doesn't have saved.

Unknown No: I'm sorry for doing it like this. I'm far too socially anxious to do it in person or to tell you who I am right now. I feel a connection between us. Something that could maybe end up being more than friends? Maybe I'll be brave enough to reveal myself one day. Keep on smiling. <3

Izuku had no idea who could be texting him then it hit him. Maybe it's Todoroki? Dare he hope? Maybe if they start dating he can get over Bakugo once and for all? It does kind of fit. Maybe that's why he doesn't say much. He's too anxious. Izuku couldn't help but smile to himself and the possibilities. He was feeling so much better than just a few minutes ago.

He knew however how important it was to still call Hound Dog and talk to him. Izuku saved the message and went back to what he got the phone out for in the first place, a few swipes later the call went through. It felt like forever before the call was answered though.

"Hello?"  The voice that answered sounded tired and a tad confused. Did he just call him awake Izuku wondered.

"Oh, uh h-Hound Dog sir? It's Aizawa Izuku sir."

"Ah, hello young Aizawa. It's quite early. Everything okay?"

"y-yes sir, I was just wondering if we could talk sometime today?" Izuku hated how much he reverted to stuttering when he got nervous.

"That's going to be a bit hard today I'm afraid. First day of everyone moving into the dorms you know. I'm swamped. I can drop a few things if it's urgent though?"

Izuku was disappointed but knew better than to let anyone hear that in his voice. Some things are ingrained into your very being. Not upsetting people with power over you being one he's not sure he'll ever unlearn. "n-No it's nothing that urgent. I'll let you get back to work sir, thanks for being willing to drop stuff for me though."

"Always Young Aizawa. I'll schedule something for tomorrow. See you then. Bye."

Izuku sighed and made his way back to the common area, a decision he regretted almost immediately.

"There's the fucker now!" Bakugo said loudly pointing directly at Izuku

Everyone was shocked at the way he was carrying on but a girl with pink skin and horns spoke up "Must you be so vulgar?!"

"Shut it slip an slide." She was so taken aback at the nickname she didn't speak again.

"When will you grow up Kacchan?"


"you know what I said. High school offered a chance to start over without the old shit from middle school. But no... you cant give up being a bully can you?"

Completely ignoring what he just said Bakugo just carried on. "I want to know why you lied to me?!"

Izuku felt himself growing angrier and knew he had to leave or things would get very nasty very quickly. He cant get expelled before school even started. He directed his anger towards the large wall to ceiling windows in the common area. He shattered one with his quirk. Several of the girls screamed. He looked Bakugo directly in the eyes as his glowed. "This isn't middle school Bakugo, don't push me." 

With that he lunged himself at speed outside the window making nearly everyone scream as they thought he just killed himself. He fell two floors and flew back up, hovered before the now shattered window and flipped Bakugo off for a second time today. Izuku sped off into the sky and toward the city.

"Bakubro what was that all about?" the red headed boy spoke up breaking the silence filling the room.

He just clicked his tongue in response and stormed off slamming a door to what everyone presumed to be his room. They certainly hoped so given the amount of explosion noises coming from that room. None of them would ever guess that Bakugo was using the sound of the explosions to mask his crying.

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