Chapter 98

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The last thing Izuku remembers was being choked by All Might. Izuku noticed Bakugo on the floor crumpled in on himself, crying on the ground. What happened to put him in such a state? They were alone with only All Might looking confused. Had he done something to everyone else?

Before Izuku could get any kind of answers Shigaraki and his onhangers stepped through a portal again. "Nice of you to join us back in the land of the living finally. Be grateful you aren't just another name on his list of victims." He said pointing accusatorily to All Might.  

Back in the land of the living? So he was dead? He can actually die? If he was dead how is he back here? Unless. . . No way his quirk works even after he's dead?! That's absurd! The realization hit him anew. . . That means someone had to have touched him. He's killed someone again. . . 

It scared him how little it seemed to bother him. He noticed the shattered glass chunks on the ground and came down to inspect it. As he got closer however he realized it was anything besides glass. He struggled to swallow the bile in his mouth in order to avoid vomiting.

He looked at Shigaraki who had now removed the hand covering his face. He simply asked him "Who" hoping he would understand without him needing to explain.

Without a reaction to whether or not he felt affected by it he simply said her name. "Hannah."

Bakugo's current state made more sense to Izuku now. He had just seen him be killed by their childhood hero, and then the only other person he's loved die horrifically. Much as he hated the fact that Bakugo had had feelings for her, Izuku cant wish away facts and history. 

Even if he would prefer him to already have had gotten over his feelings
They aren't that easy to get rid of. He knows that all to well. He thought he had gotten rid of his for Bakugo back in Middle school. At the very least he thought he had stored them away. Unable to hold sway over him anymore. Only to have this short time in high school prove to him just how wrong he could be.

Shigaraki seemed to have waited long enough for Izuku to gain awareness of his surroundings because he spoke to All Might again. "Let's see if you can take this False Hero. Nemu! Come!"

Out of the same portal Shigaraki had stepped out of emerged nothing short of a monstrosity. Black skin, muscular to the extreme. It's brain exposed its eyes had no lids. Shigaraki gave it a glance before giving it an order. "Kill All Might"

The Nemu came charging in the direction of Izuku on its way to All Might. Shigaraki gave Izuku a look to see what he would do. Izuku had no intention of interfering, and he simply sidestepped it. Shigaraki looked slightly surprised and gave smirk. "Not saving him then?"

"Fuck him. He tried to kill me." Izuku said as he spat in his direction while making his way to Bakugo. 

"Besides, that poor thing wont work and it's just going to die." Izuku stated, not trying to mock Shigaraki. In his mind he was just stating a fact. Shigaraki did take some small offence to the statement though.

"Our Nemu is unbeatable. Today will be the day we rid the world of this particular lie." He said proudly as if he had already accomplished his task.

Izuku just shook his head and carried on making his way to Bakugo who had stopped crying but he hadn't looked up yet. Izuku bent down and spoke softly into his ear. "Kacchan, I'm here. I'm alive please look at me."

Bakugo was startled and snapped his head up. "Izu?!"

Izuku took his cheek in his hand. "Yeah, I'm here Kacchan"

He looked utterly bewildered. "But i saw you die! He killed you!" 

Izuku pulled him closer and into a hug. "I'm fine Kacchan, I'm not going anywhere that easily"

Bakugo hugged back squeezing so hard Izuku could swear he felt a rib or two pop. He suddenly shoved Izuku to the front and held him at arms length before pulling his face closer to his only to plant a kiss. The kiss grew deeper and almost seemed desperate, Like he was trying to keep Izuku alive via the kiss. Izuku just returned in kind, grateful that Bakugo was still willing to love him. Though perhaps he hasn't realized just how Izuku is alive right now. Izuku decided to push that thought out of his head and just enjoy the moment.

While they were sharing an intimate moment All Might was fighting in earnest for the first time today. Shigaraki seemed to be living vicariously through the Nemu making unconscious punches in the air like he was watching someone play a game. Much as the Nemu did it's best after a though battle lasting nearly fifteen minutes All Might gave the deciding punch. The Nemu just couldn't get back up again after that last punch it slumped lifeless in defeat.

Clearly annoyed but smart enough to know when he's beat Shigaraki made a motion with his arm, and Kurogiri portaled away all of their forces. Shigaraki and him stepped into the last one and they were all gone sans the defeated ones littering the floor.

As Izuku and Bakugo sat there the class once again made their way to them this time everyone was present. All that remained were Thirteen, his father and Kaminari, but before he could ask around where they were he saw them rounding a corner. His father was leaning on Thirteen and Kaminari in order to walk. . .

Izuku's world spun as he started to panic wondering if his father was okay. Luckily before he even had to worry the doors swung open and Recovery girl with a team of medics and several of the U.A Staff came rushing in.

Bakugo had pulled himself together by then. "Go make sure he's okay Izu." he encouraged him. Izuku didn't need a second invitation making his way to where Recovery girl was looking him over. 

"Dad! Are you okay? Recovery girl is he going to be okay?!" Izuku peppered them with questions without giving them much of a chance to answer.

"He'll be fine. Your Father is lucky I'm such a good healer though." She proudly told Izuku before turning back to her patient. 

"And you mister! Rest!" She threatened with her cane. He only nodded at her and gave a wink to Izuku. After that she injected something into his drip to make him sleep and he was in dream land before the needle had even left the drip port.

Recovery girl left a team of medics to look over anyone else while they took Aizawa back to U.A. The Police had come and taken away all of the defeated lower class villains All Might had fought. Once they had left it was just Class 1A and All Might.

He clapped his hands together. "Right. Everyone back on the bus then."

A fury like never before roared inside Izuku when All Might acted like nothing had happened. He was going to let it go but that was before he saw his father was injured.

The class was turning to exit the building when Izuku called out. "Yagi! Where the fuck do you think you're going?!"

Everyone froze and looked his direction.

Naturally given how much he had idolized him Izuku had made it his mission early on to find out All Might's actual name. It was hard but not impossible. Back then it was like a cool little secret to keep. Now it was a weapon to degrade and bring him low where he belongs.

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