Chapter 143

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Cementoss looked bone tired as he walked past and practically pleaded with his eyes for Izuku to not destroy the arena again. Once again he vowed to help afterwards. He really hopes Nezu included a bonus of some kind for all the teachers that had to do stuff for the festival. Selfishly he wished his dad and mic got ones too. What teenager doesn't want the brand new version of the popular phone brand?

As Izuku was walking up to the boundary line to get ready for the match he had two things on his mind. What's going to happen if he has to face his boyfriend when he wins this and exactly how would he win against Tsu? He soon realized that the question of whether or not he wants to win wasn't on his mind. He already knew he wanted to win. His train of thought was interrupted by Midnight announcing the start of the match.


The buzzer went off and before Izuku even had a chance to prepare himself, Tsu had already leaped towards him with a knee heading straight for his sternum. The hit connected and Izuku felt how the bone cracked. Note taken, never underestimate the small frog girl. Izuku also found himself wondering how anyone else besides him could have taken such a hit. Did Tsu take that into account or is that how hard she usually attacks?

Izuku rolled away feeling how the bone cracks popped as they healed. He was definitely going to incorporate some armor into his hero suit. Healing or not that shit stung. Whenever the support department gets working on those. How long can a backlog last in any case?

Izuku dodged a heel kick that was meant for his head. The floor cracked where Tsu's heel connected. Something was up, she wasn't this aggressive normally. Sure he's not best friends with the girl but everyone knows Tsu is direct. There shouldn't be any need for this passive aggressive behavior.

Izuku got up and had to block a punch meant for his face with his arm and felt as the force broke it. The bone pierced through the skin making the crowd collectively cringed at the sight.

He pushed the bone in feeling the pop as it healed and the slight tingle from his skin doing the same. "What the fuck Tsu, if you have something to say do it!" Izuku yelled at her beyond annoyed now.

"You hurt Uraraka."

Silence followed her statement as she charged again. Izuku couldn't believe what he was hearing. He hurt Uraraka? Utter nonsense, he sent her away just so he wouldn't hurt her.

Tsu leaped into the air fist drawn back. No fucking way Izuku thought to himself. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Fool me three times and I must be a fucking idiot. Not again. He wont be a fucking idiot.

He sent up concrete and caught her midair stopping all of her in motion, she was unable to move. The crowd's cheering and noise was tuned out in Izuku's ears. He lifted himself to face Tsu who was struggling to get free and still looked a bit angry. "I sent her back gently because I didn't want to hurt her. She was being unreasonable, wanting Recovery Girl to heal Iida before Kacchan."

"That's not what she said. She says you kept Iida from getting healed and that he was on death's door begging her for help."

Izuku sighed heavily, feeling confused. "Iida didn't even realize she was there... He had scrapes and bruises and a lightly fractured tibia. That's it! Plus, he did that all to himself by using a move he clearly has no control over!"

He threw his hands in the air in frustration, how and why Uraraka would lie like this... "So yes I asked Recovery Girl to heal Kacchan's concussion first, Iida was never at any serious risk! Tch!"

Not even waiting for a response he went back to the ground and sent the pillar containing Tsu out of bounds before stopping it. Midnight had announced him the winner as his feet touched the Arena again.

He didn't even acknowledge her, only walking over to undo Tsu's pillar and making sure she didn't hurt herself as she came down to the ground. He didn't know what hurt more, Uraraka lying and blowing something out of proportion or Tsu so readily believing he'd hurt someone just because he could.

He briefly contemplated flying over to Class A seats to confront her over her bullshit but didn't trust himself right now. He might just show her exactly what it looks like if he should ever choose to hurt anyone on purpose. He shook his head banishing the idea no matter how tempting it sounded right then.

Bakugo's face entered his field of vision and the encroaching darkness faded again. "-zu.. Izu? Hey, what's going on?"

Izuku looked him in the eyes and focused on nothing else, letting those piercing carmine eyes overtake his cascading mind, grounding him. He just smiled at his boyfriend and pulled him into a hug, inhaling his scent.

"Oi you're scaring me, what happened?"

Izuku pulled away, opting to rest his forehead on Bakugo's chest. "Dumb high school shit." Chuckling then "Also hard earned tip, never piss off Tsu, she can and will break bones..."

"Yeah we all saw, that was kind of gross babe."

Izuku lightly slapped his shoulder, choosing to tease his boyfriend "That's not what you said last night!"

Bakugo's ears once again burned bright red as he averted Izuku's gaze. Izuku pulled on his sleeve to get his attention again. We're in the finals of the sports festival Kacchan..."

"That we are Izu, don't think you can go easy on me..."

Izuku's eyes went wide. "The festival means more to you than me, I just got this far because I wanted to spend time with you and I had fun along the way. Well until just now..." he said his expression turning sour again

Bakugo gripped his shoulders and made eye contact "Oi, none of that." He smiled as Izuku returned his gaze. "Forget about frog legs and whatever happened. Sure I want to win the whole thing but I'm happy if this is as far as i get. At the top with you. So forget who wins and let's go have a fun spar session?"

Izuku searched his boyfriend's face to decide if he was serious and it definitely looked like it, so he decided to trust him. Smile forming on his lips "Okay Kacchan, but I'm beating you quirkless"

"What? Why?"

"During my match with Ojiro I only won because I had to use multiple quirks. I'm relying on them too much."

Bakugo bit his lip in thought. "How about this then, you haven't fought with mine yet. Let's see if you can beat me with my own quirk. It's the only one I'd be happy to lose to anyways."

Izuku sighed "fine but I want extra snuggle time after-"

Bakugo had shoved his hand over Izuku's mouth, cutting off what he was about to say. Behind him and no doubt the reason for it stood Midnight. "Are you two naughty boys going to be okay competing against each other?" her question seemed genuine though there was a smirk on her face as she peeked at Bakugo's love bites again and how he held Izuku.

Izuku blushed as he noticed where she was looking and wriggled Bakugo's fingers away. "Y-yes mam, we'll be fine." Bakugo grunted in agreement. She smiled widely and as she went ruffled both of their heads saying "The finals is going to be in about five minutes, I'm off to find some water. Don't get too busy now.." Winking as she turned the corner.

Bakugo grumbled, ears red as Izuku hid his face in the crook of his neck.

"Deal..." Bakugo said lowly


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