Chapter 112

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Izuku had heard it before the others but it was obvious that an argument was going on in the room they were heading towards. Izuku wanted to warn the others so they could decide if now was a good time but before he could he heard his Dad speak, it was dulled by the closed door and the distance but he was sure of what he had heard. 

Maybe it was wrong but he had to know what was going on. If he heard correctly it's not someone he'd ever expect to have such a serious tone. As they got closer all three of them could hear it now, Izuku much clearer now and it only confirmed what he had heard earlier.

Hawks eyes grew wide and he tried to make them turn around but Izuku had planted himself firmly where he stood intent on figuring this out.

"Will you please calm down Hizashi?" his dad pled

Up until that point Hitoshi was trying to help Hawks in getting Izuku away but upon hearing their dad address Present Mic by his first name his own curiosity had gotten the better of him and he listened in too.

"No I refuse to calm down be glad I'm not using my quirk and sit there and be berated" Hizashi demanded

"cant we just move on from this?" Aizawa asked in his usual tired tone but there seemed to a kindness behind it Izuku thought their father reserved for his kids.

"No the whole point of joining U.A staff was so that we can slow down on hero work, settle down. Get out of danger. . ." Mic's anger subsiding into more of a sadness

He sighed deeply. "To start a family."

There was a pause and Izuku thought they were caught but a sniff let him know someone most likely Mic was crying lightly. Soon after he spoke again.

"first you adopt two kids on your own without talking to me about it." he said sending a pang of guilt down Izuku's throat, a quick glance at Hitoshi told him he had felt the same thing.

"I thought you wanted kids" Aizawa defended

Mic pushed air out of his nose. "not the point. . ."

"what is then?" he asked in return

Izuku could hear how Mic was talking with his hands too clearly hitting himself lightly as he spoke "That you act like we aren't together. They don't even know about us do they?!"


Mic carried on without giving Aizawa time to respond "of course not, how could they? we've barely been together for more than a few hours since you adopted Izuku."

If Izuku felt guilty before he felt an enormous wave of self-hatered. He was responsible for his Dad being miserable and alone. Hitoshi gave his support by squeezing Izuku's shoulder.

"What are you saying exactly Hizashi?" Aizawa asked clearly a bit offended

Izuku heard how Mic gave frustrated grunt "oh don't ask it like that, of course I'm happy both those boys are yours. Anyone would be lucky to have you love them, but they weren't what we talked about. . ." the same sad tone in his voice as earlier

Hawks had given up trying to remove the boys from their eavesdropping position and instead joined them. The drama clearly too good to resist. 

Aizawa sighed "I know things didn't work out like we planned but nothing ever does. Are you saying that you don't see a future where you could love them like your own too?" a deep sadness in his voice. No doubt at the prospect of losing his partner, and that because of Izuku?

Izuku felt a knot in his stomach do a roll with all these twisted emotions. His dad was a great dad and he was happy with just having one parent actually love him. A prospect he thought was not meant for him. To have the possibility of two parents though? It was a dream he never even dared of having. 

"If I'm entirely honest I cant see that far Sho, but you're still missing my point." Mic answered plainly

Izuku could envision the frown on his dad's face "I'm lost here." he sighed at Mic

After a pause Mic answered again having clearly taken the time to try and make himself clear. "The point is that you make life altering decisions without me, like I'm not in your life. I guess what I'm talking about exactly Sho is that I'm wondering if I'm still one of those people who you love?"

Izuku swallowed down a bulge in his throat as he felt sick learning how much he unknowingly impacted his dad's life. . .

"Of course you are, it's not like I planned to upend our lives with those boys, I just felt immediate love for them. Like they've always been mine and somehow the universe messed up." 

The familiar sting of fighting back tears was in his eyes again, even if the boys did impact their dad's life to him it was worth it. . .

"That's wonderful Shota and I'm happy for all of you but I feel like we are going in circles here, are you ever going to tell them about us? If you even intend for there to still be an us that is. . ." Mic replied with a clear struggle to hold back tears.

Aizawa sighed again "At first it was about keeping them stable then things just got busy. . ."

A silence followed and then he spoke again. "oh it just clicked what you meant. . ."

Izuku heard shuffling and his dad's voice sounded a bit muffled. Perhaps they were hugging?

"I'm sorry Zashi. . . I'm sure they'd be glad to know I'm not alone. Do you want to meet them?" he asked sounding much lighter than earlier

Mic scoffed "I'm their English teacher Sho. . ."

"I mean meet them as the person I'm in a relationship with?" Aizawa teased

Izuku felt like listening any further would just be intruding so he made to leave as Mic spoke again piquing his interest again.

"I always thought we'd adopt the twins but then my sister disappeared with them..." his tone sounding sad again.

"I haven't given up on them babe. I'm sure Kaito and Kenji are somewhere." Aizawa comforted him

"I still cant believe my sister just dumped them at the side of a road and went gambling. . ."

"Good parents are a rare thing nowadays Zashi, I mean if you hear some of the histories of the kids just in my class?! It's horrifying that just anyone can make a child."

Hitoshi was the first to notice Izuku wasn't with them anymore as he signaled to Hawks to where Izuku had stood before. . .

Oh for feather's sake. . . Hawks cursed and knocked on the door where Aizawa and Mic were before throwing it open without waiting for an answer.

"Stop flirting and help me find your kid, also Hi Mic!" Hawks said loudly as he entered the room with Hitoshi trailing behind him.

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