Chapter 10

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All these thoughts and tears carried him home before he even realized it he opened his front door still visibly crying. The twang of a bouncing knife next to his ear brought him back to reality. His mother had greeted him in her special way.

"Damn, missed again... Tch! I'll get you next time boy. Now be useful for once and make food" She demanded

Izuku snapped. A dull ringing in his ears got louder and louder. He laughed forcibly and simply said "NO"

"NO?! The fuck you mean no? Who do you think you are boy? You are useless and only worth keeping around as a servant. Now you dare to defy me?! You must've lost your tiny mind boy!"

Izuku laughed only serving to make his mother more furious. "What is so fucking funny boy?"

She had enough of this. "Time to remind you where you belong boy. Under my boot or not at all" Inko made her way over to Izuku who was just laughing hysterically. She gripped the knife in the wall next to him and slashed across his face. "Now enough of this, do as your told an-" She saw there was no wound where she had just cut the brat. "The fuck is this? I didn't drink that much?!"

Izuku's laughing subsided to a few giggles now and then. His face grew dead not matching the sound he was making. With no expression and a single tear running down his already healed cheek he turned to his mother. "I finally got my quirk mommy... aren't you proud?"

Before Inko could even react to what she was seeing Izuku grabbed the knife from her. "See?" He asked and proceeded to stab himself in the neck making a gurgling sound with blood spilling down his neck. His shirt staining red from all the blood. He pulled out the knife and the wound was closing as blood kept running.

"Aren't you happy now mommy? We can play forever now..." Stabbing himself on the other side of his throat. Blood running yet again making his now red shirt even more stained and wet. Inko was stunned.

Izuku kept stabbing his neck over and over again. Each stab producing less and less blood and the wound healing quicker. He was standing in a small pool of his blood by now. His wounds kept healing faster however. By the time he had stabbed his neck nine times and he went for the tenth he would be healed near instantaneously. 

On the next try the blade broke against his skin. Try as he might the blade wouldn't pierce his skin no matter how hard he tried. Inko snapped out of it when the blade broke. "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY KITCHENWARE!"

Izuku scoffed sadly... "of course you care more about the knives than me..."

"Damn right I do, your father bought me those knives! Do you even remember him? The father you killed with your useless self?!" She berated him. "So you can heal now, big deal." She said as she laughed mockingly... "How does that help me?! HAH?!"

She slapped Izuku across the face. "You're still useless to me. You can't bring back my husband you missed abortion appointment!!" She spat in Izuku's face. 

Voiced laced with venom she asked him "Did you think just because you have a quirk things would change?! You already killed your father!" She looked him up and down "sadly it seems you can't do the same for yourself."

"I've had enough of your face" Inko grabbed Izuku by the arm and started to drag him. Izuku knew exactly where she was dragging him. The hall closet where he would spend days at a time when his mother got sick of looking at him. 

The times when throwing him with a knife or hitting him wasn't enough. When she felt especially cruel she would lock Izuku in there. He remembered the feeling of nearly starving to death in there. The suffocating darkness that always seemed to bring out the voices in his head. He couldn't let her take him there. He knew he might never leave that closet this time. He knew now he cant die but he'd rather avoid starving again if he could. It's a fate he wouldn't even wish on his mother. He knew he had to escape her grasp.

"NO! I won't go in there!"

"Oh yes you will you brat and I'll decide IF I ever let you out again"

"NO!" Izuku struggled and tried to pull free with all his might. He was desperate to never be locked up in there again.

"Let me go you old hag" Izuku had never fought back and he felt a slight rush from daring to act out against his mother.

"The fuck did you call me?!" Pure evil in her eyes. He knew he would pay for that and now he HAD to escape and he panicked. Frantically trying to get free. Inko tried to keep her grip on the squirming boy but felt him slipping her grasp she shook him to regain control.

"LET GO!" Izuku started hitting her to get away not realizing he still had the broken blade in his hand. Izuku felt the grip on him release. Inko had let go of him instead gripped her neck.

"What did you do brat...?" She fell to her knees blood running steadily down her neck. Izuku's eyes grew wide realizing what happened. He started to cry. "M-Mommy no, I'm s-sorry.. p-please don't leave me..." 

She became paler and looked Izuku in the eyes. "Looks like you got both of us then boy..." giving a sick laugh, blood spilling out her mouth as she spoke. "See you in hell murderer..." Her eyes went dull, she was gone. Inko slumped to the ground with a dull thud.

Izuku let the blade in his hand fall he shook his mother. Some small part of him still loves her. "M-mommy... please I'm s-sorry I'll be better... why d-didn't you l-love me..." He sobbed curling up next to her corpse. He placed her arm over him. Something she hadn't done since he was little... He kept crying softly and eventually fell asleep like that. 

He awoke some hours later and noticed all  the blood he was covered in and surrounded by. Nobody would believe he didn't plan on killing his mother. He was surprised at how calm he was feeling after he had just fell asleep crying. 

Sure he had hated the woman who was his main source of suffering. But he also loved her somehow. He felt guilty that if he was completely honest with himself... He was more sad that the chance for her to ever love him is gone. Guilty that he wasn't that sad about her being dead. 

No, he felt a sense of relief and hated himself even more...

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