Chapter 30

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"Please Midoriya-kun... you have to eat. You're going to be here way longer than is needed because you wont eat. Your quirk is working way too slow" The nurse was begging Izuku for the fourth day in a row. He has refused to do anything since he woke up the day after being brought in. He simply lays in bed looking at the ceiling. Apart from the occasional cough or clearing of his throat it was like he wasn't even there. 

After waking up and realizing where he was he asked about the boys he was found with. Then hearing their fate he asked about another boy who might've gotten out with his speed quirk. Nobody knew. Hearing that he was the only survivor must've broken him.

"You should've let me die back there. No do me a favor and find a way to kill me now. There's a fire axe! Grab it and chop off my head! GO ON! DO IT! I DESERVE IT!!! DO IT OR I'LL KILL ALL OF YOU!!! YES! GET THE POLICE AND COME SHOOT ME IN THE HEAD!" Luckily the dangerous quirk ward is equipped to handle - well dangerous quirks. They restrained and sedated him that day, trouble was that was the last time he spoke.

"Midoriya-kun please... tomorrow they're going to put in a feeding tube if this carries on." For the first time in days there was a reaction. He hated that tube and he had to admit his tolerance for starving had been destroyed by his mother. The week that she forgot him in the hall closet is one of the worst memories he had. Much as he wanted to die the prospect of doing it via starvation was too much for him. 

Izuku sighed having to admit defeat, turned to face the nurse and he tried to lift his arms but was hindered by his restraints. He huffed and glared at her. "How then?..." letting his arm fall back down. "Sorry dear, those stay on for now." Earning another glare her way.

"If I eat will you stop nagging me and leave me alone?!" It was the first time He's been rude on purpose but he didn't care. In truth Izuku didn't care about anything or anyone. He just wanted to die. He was done trying with this world. Every single time he thinks he can try it all falls to ruins.

"If that's what it takes to get you to eat sure!" She excitedly scooped up the food and started feeding Izuku. By the time they were done Izuku was fully healed again. "See how much better you are now! No more burns or even a scratch" Izuku just glared at her. 

When she did nothing but stand there he got annoyed. "I thought you were leaving?! I ate and I'm healed now... Hooray! Yippee for me! Can you kindly fuck off now?!"

The nurse gasped "Well I never..." and left.

Izuku yelled after her "FUCKING FINALLY!" and laid back down watching the nonsense on the tv above his bed annoyed by his own existence. His self hatred growing by the second, everywhere he went and thought about caring for someone they die or get hurt. Down in the dark recesses of his mind the thought about how easy killing had become. Sure Lucas was the first time he set out to do it, that didn't mean he wasn't responsible for others dying before. 

To Izuku he felt like a serial killer who didn't set out to become one. The only thing that felt right in his eyes were is that he was restrained to the bed. Naturally they would bind him, he's no better than a rabid dog. He only wished they would kill him but it seemed to him the only monster here capable of that was him.

Izuku was discharged two days later to silent relief of the nursing staff who had endured quite a lot under Izuku's misdirected anger. Miss Takahashi had come to collect him and drop him off at a foster family who volunteered to take Izuku in. She was quite worried about him but he barely greeted her and only spoke when it was absolutely necessary. 

Izuku had decided to just go with it, there's no way for him to commit suicide that he wouldn't possibly survive. He gave up instead. Deciding on just existing without leaving an impact. The debate he had with himself over whether or not to reveal he isn't quirkless anymore wasn't a debate anymore. He didn't care so he wouldn't tell anyone. He gave up on becoming a hero. That final small ember of that a dream dying ironically in the fire.

He only allowed himself to love Bakugo from afar, not that he even had a chance to begin with. Hannah has taken that spot. Something about that always amused Izuku, how silly he was to even think he could possibly take that spot. Bakugo clearly likes girls. So much so he abandoned Izuku for a girl he barely knew back then. He liked her so much he didn't have the decency to get out of the car at the funeral. Izuku knew he was beyond envious of her and almost didn't feel guilty imagining scenarios where she isn't in the picture anymore. Some of those fantasies were even humane Izuku would catch himself thinking...

They were driving for quite a while when Izuku started to recognize the area they were in. It was the neighborhood right next to the middle school he was going to starting next term. At least he didn't have to walk far to get home. Now he was just wondering about the family and if he had to prepare for any kind of abuse.

The car stopped and Miss Takahashi opened the door beckoning Izuku who was still in deep thought. "Come on Midoriya-Kun we're here." Izuku slid out the car and got his backpack with all his meager possession that survived the fire. He stood nervously waiting as Miss Takahashi knocked.

"Coming!" They heard a voice saying and it's owner opening the door a minute later. Before them stood a short old man. Izuku was taller than him, a rare thing for him outside of younger kids. "Ah you must be Miss Takahashi and young Midoriya-Kun, come in come in" he motioned inside with his walking stick. The old man directed them to the living room and motioned to sit.

"I am Takada Kenzo but you can call me whatever you feel comfortable Midoriya-kun. The house isn't big and I can't offer you fancy things but I hope you'll be happy here." Izuku looked around waiting for the other shoe to drop. 

A defenseless old man who looks like he couldn't kill a fly if he wanted to. He knew appearances are deceiving so there had to be a catch right? There's no way he gets to live without worrying about abuse right? He already had that chance at the group home. It burned away so what was this? Some cruel joke? 

Takada was watching him closely. "Something wrong?" Izuku almost jumping at the question caught the eyes of the old man. "What's the catch?" Silence filled the air. Izuku felt him studying him. "No catch Midoriya-kun, though I can see you wont take just my word for it. So how about this? I'm old and cant do as much as I could in my younger days. You do some of those chores I cant. Will that make it ok with you?"

Izuku thought for a moment. If he helped the old man around the house he gets to stay. He's never been one to stray away from work, his mother just never noticed or cared. If it kept him busy without a chance to overthink he'd do it, so housework and chores fit the bill. He nodded "Okay. Anything you need at the moment Takada-san?"

He seemed pleased at the response. "Not at the moment no, you can go to your room at the end of the hall, room on the left. I have some paperwork to do with Miss Takahashi here I believe?" Turning his gaze to her. "That we do, goodbye Midoriya-kun. Call me if you need anything ok?" She gave Izuku a sad smile, he only nodded and waved goodbye before going to see his room.

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