Chapter 43

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The car blurred the landscape, Shinso found himself entranced by it. Thinking about his three days living with Aizawa and his son. Apart from the embarrassing incident on the first day nothing major happened. Midoriya and Aizawa bicker and play fight like they've been parent and child since he's been born. 

Shinso found himself just observing their interactions more than once with a twinge of envy. Any negative emotion of their interaction was washed away however by Midoriya's laughter. He knew because of Midoriya's own meltdown on the first day that he wasn't as happy as he portrayed, but Midoriya certainly is good at hiding it. Sometimes he wishes he could hide his own issues too.

To be able to suppress an episode or even hide it all together. Sure it might not sound healthy, but on the other hand to be able to not freak everyone out would be somewhat worth it to him. If he could be able to that maybe his wish could come true. 

It was a frivolous wish sure, but one he wanted granted desperately. He knew he must've blown any chance to have Aizawa adopt him like he did Midoriya after his episode. Still he clung to a small portion of hope that maybe he would consider fostering him at least. In the short time he's been with them Shinso knew he preferred it over his usual home life. 

All this overthinking and daydreaming about what ifs led to the build up of anxiety and Shinso felt himself teetering over the edge to an episode. He always wondered why they called it an episode like it's a show on TV. Worst show ever he would always think to himself. He tried to push through the anxiety but given that everyone was nervous to begin with on exam day he failed.

The closer to U.A they got the darker his field of vision got and the distant panicked screams of his mother filled his head accompanied by the usual high pitched continuous note 






 Fingers running through his hair brought him back to reality. The darkness faded and the accusations of his mother grew fainter to be replaced by the comforting words of Midoriya.

"Hey Shinso, come back to us dude. You're safe here." Izuku wiped the tears from his brother's face. To him Shinso was already a brother and he had already told his father that death is a possibility for him if he didn't adopt Shinso.

"S-sorry. . ." Shinso looked around with confusion. The episode clearly stole time from him.

The car came to a stop. Aizawa turned to face the boys. "No need to apologize Shinso. We're two blocks away from U.A so you boys can get out and walk to avoid being seen with my old face. I can drive you all the way to the gate or I can take you home and twist a certain rodent's arm to let you guys take the exam on another day? Either way there's nothing to be sorry for Shinso"

Shinso seemed to come to sort of decision before speaking. "We'll walk from here. I've got to at least try and become a hero. I made a promise and I cant break it just because I'm weak." He made his way to open the door and to get out but couldn't get out. Aizawa and Midoriya were both holding him in the car.

Aizawa spoke first. "Shinso you and Izuku are the strongest people that I know. The world is mixed up at the moment but overcoming what either of you have. That takes strength, the real kind. The kind not found in quirks or muscles. It's found in your resolve, the drive to push through even though most people would understand if you gave up. Heck some might even want you to give up just so they can feel better for struggling with smaller stuff." He looked Shinso in the eyes and with a nod from Izuku carried on.

"We were planning on saving this for when you got out of the exams but I can see it's lingering there in the back of your head." He reached into his coat pocket and handed a folded up document to Shinso. Shinso opened it and read the first line and was already crying. It was his adoption papers. Between tears he was smiling so wide it almost hurt. 

"I'll take that as a yes then?" Aizawa asked just before the wind got knocked out of him a little by a lunging teenager that was now hugging him.

"YES! PLEASE!" Shinso giggle cried.

Izuku laughed at his father for having the wind knocked out of him so easily and turned to Shinso "I hope you don't mind bunking with me, and I mean that literally they're delivering the bunk beds today. . ." Shinso let go of Aizawa and faced Izuku. "Nope don't mind at all, but i've been told I snore so."

"Is that so? I'll just have shadow smother you if it keeps me awake" Izuku teased

Shinso gasped "Midnight would never allow that!"

Aizawa cleared his throat "I hate to break up the party for now but I need to be in the building like ten minutes ago. So what am I doing with you boys? Walk, drive or go home?"

In unison they both looked at each other then saw other students walking and said "Walk" and got out of the car before their father could respond and went ahead.

Aizawa drove off but not before rolling down the windows and shouting loud enough for the other kids around his boys to hear. "I love you guys!" Earning loud laughter from the other kids walking to U.A but wide smiles from the boys. Sure it's probably embarrassing to have a parent shout that at their kids and would no doubt earn teasing from other kids. To Izuku and Hitoshi though it's the first time a parent has been so open about loving them. Also a rare time that they were certain it's real and genuine.

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