Chapter 113

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Toshinori Yagi was a spiteful, bitter and vindictive and overall mean person. That much anyone who knew him as a child would no doubt agree with, even if his behavior was justified by how he grew up. Both parents cycling between drug and alcohol abuse, there would often be arguments that got physical. 

Many times as a small child he'd try to protect them from each other. As a scrawny quirkless kid however he had no hope of protecting anyone, not his parents and certainly not his younger brother. 

The days of trying to protect them had ended when his brother lorded over him with his powerful quirk. He would endure endless abuse at the hands of his brother that was only encouraged by their parents who enjoyed it like a free show.

So after years of abuse and a horrible home life seemed to have been all too much he found a tall building intent on introducing his face to the pavement. It was then that a Hero had found and told him he's worthy of inheriting her quirk.

He could have easily used this new gained power to help himself and change life for the better, not just for him but the family he once longed to save. Instead he saw opportunity. He saw the potential for how easy payback would be.

He was no longer a scrawny quirkless puppet to be used as entertainment for those around him. No, he had power now and he was going to use it. No longer would he be the one taking a beating, he would be the one giving them.

The strong prey on the weak, it's the natural order of things. The world had ingrained it into him at a very young age. He wasn't going to let his chance to change his own lot in life slip away over something like morals. They were family in only name after all.

Years later after he had debuted as a hero all that remained of the Yagi Family were rumors of a terrible haunting in their family home. How a spirit had ripped them from the world, how the only remains that was ever found were the blood stains and an eyeball of the youngest. 

They speculate that his quirk which involved being able to produce beams from his eyes kept it intact. The truth was far more gruesome however. Toshinori had intentionally saved the eye that would often leave severe burns on his skin as a child. As if to mock it into doing it again.

Slowly but surely anyone who knew him before he had gotten his quirk seemed to vanish or mysteriously get job offers in other countries. It wasn't till a certain green haired child that anyone ever suspected the number one hero in Japan was anything more than the kind and friendly smile the world knew.

"What do you mean you wont do it?!" Toshinori asked indignantly trying and failing to contain a nasty cough. 

"just like I said Yagi I'm not taking the job" the person answered back over the phone sounding stressed to even be having this conversation

"Since when do you have hang-ups about kids?" He asked mockingly of the man

"I don't" the man responded flatly

"well if it's not that what's the problem?" Toshinori asked confusion in his voice

"you do know HE put this specific kid under HIS protection right?" the man said sounding almost panicked even mentioning this mysterious third party

"If he did what we agreed upon in the first place this wouldn't be a problem, also since when?" Toshinori asked quite annoyed

"way rumors go just after you ended up where you are now"

"I don't get why he changed his mind. I could've been rid of the brat already" Toshinori said as he slammed his hand on the beside end table in frustration 

"technically he did his part" the man said sounding smug

"no he didn't the fucker put me here and I'm basically fucking quirkless now!" Anger in his voice obvious

"you seriously want to blame HIM for not knowing the kid would rise from the fucking dead?" the man scoffed

Toshinori gave a wicked smile. "well now we know. . ." sounding adequately cryptic

"and how does that help? you cant kill an un-killable anyways..." the man replied obviously starting to get invested now

Toshinori seemed to read into this as well "got your interest then?" he teased

There was a long silence where he seemed to consider it before he finally answered back. "no fuck this, if HE finds out I'm even talking about this it's my head in a box"

"c'mon you know you want the challenge specter. . ." Toshinori teased again knowing he's nearly lured in his catch

"stop it." Specter whined in an attempt to resist

"I'll give you triple my usual fee. . ." 

"T-triple?!" Specter nearly spat out

"fuck yes!" Toshinori answered sounding almost insulted that he was being doubted

"jesus last time I had haggle you into a decent number." Specter reminded him only receiving a grunt in response.

 "You really hate the kid that much?"

Toshinori's face contorted into one of pure anger and his tone matched it. "he took half my lungs and my spine is fucked up, hate doesn't cover it Specter. . .

"shit..." is all he said feeling scared that somehow Toshinori would figure out a way to reach through the phone and strangle him.

"so do you want the job or do I need to spend the day setting up an open bounty?" He eventually asked Specter after he had calmed down some.

"you wouldn't! HE'D have your head." Specter sounding absolutely panicked at the prospect

Toshinori yelled a "I DONT FUCKING CARE!" through the phone costing him a coughing fit ending up with having to spit out blood.

"Ouch. . . my fucking ears." Specter mumbled and thankfully for him it was ignored

"well lets hear it then?" Specter asked still wondering how his old friend was going to solve the riddle of killing the un-killable

"Not over the phone." is all he said in return.

"NOW your worried someone is listening? After everything you said?" Specter laughed

"I'm not worried but this is one purchase I want to do in person" Toshinori said sounding more serious than Specter had ever heard him.

He sighed "Fine, it's your party as they say. . ."

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