Chapter 93

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The sound of Izuku closing the door seemed to echo throughout his room. Everything seemed more intense than it probably was. His breathing was loud in his own head, he felt his heart pounding in his throat. The finality of the conversation they were about to have struck him. No matter the outcome there is no chance things can go back to how they were entirely. Even if by some miracle Bakugo manages to conjure up a satisfactory reason for why he allowed Kirishima to give his tonsils a cleaning. There will always be the nagging suspicion in the back of his head.

Izuku sat on the bed and signaled for Bakugo to take a seat on his desk chair. "Sit" A small sense of Deja vu set in. The last time Bakugo had forced a conversation it ended up inspiring his previous suicide attempt. An immense sense of exhaustion washed over him and for the first time in a while he seriously wished he succeeded back then. Sure he's had the occasional suicidal thought since his last attempt but nothing that was a danger of leading down the same road. 

Izuku came back to the present when he notice Bakugo was still just standing there seemingly unsure what to do with himself. "Sit down and speak or leave me alone Bakugo."

Hearing Izuku call him Bakugo seemed to hit him like a dagger every time. "Stop calling me that." he finally spoke.

Izuku was stone faced refusing to show just how upset he truly was. "It's your name." he coldly told him

Bakugo sighed sadly "Not for you it isn't"

Anger started to bubble "After today it is."

"Don't be like this." he pleaded with Izuku sorrow in his eyes.

This just pissed Izuku off further. Like this whole thing is his fault somehow? "Like what exactly?!" he spat at him. 

Arms flailing as he spoke "You allow someone else to stick their tongue down your throat and somehow I'm unreasonable here?!" 

He shook his head at the shocked face of Bakugo. "Fuck you Katsuki." he added for insult. Feeling horrible inside for speaking to the boy he loves like this but felt it was deserved on some level too.

Bakugo knew he had to traverse his words carefully or his chance to explain would go out the window and possibly himself too. "If you would just let me explain." He begged again.

Izuku threw him with the nearest pillow suppressing a smirk when it hit him square between the eyes. "What the fuck do you think this is?!"

Bakugo was stunned at the sudden 'attack' but more so at how restrained it was. Perhaps there was a chance after all? "Right. . ."

"Just get on with it already." Izuku pulled him back to the present.

Bakugo had hope Izuku would believe him because he certainly wouldn't and he was there when it happened. He had no choice now, the truth must out or his relationship is over. "It was just supposed to be a hug." 

Izuku just stared at him in disbelief waiting for him to start making any kind of sense.

"Go on. . ."

"He came to me talking about what you said to him got him thinking if he really does still have feelings for me and asked for a hug to figure it out." He sensed Izuku was about to interrupt him and hurriedly kept talking. "I'm not saying it's your fault, that's just what he said." 

Bakugo finally sat down in the chair that was offered earlier "So the idiot that I am agreed to it."

"Oh?" Izuku mused aloud.

Bakugo kept going before he lost his nerve. "The hug went fine and he thanked me and before I knew it he pinned me to the wall and kissed me." He glanced at Izuku for a reaction but his face remained unreadable.

So he carried on trying to explain. "It's true I didn't react at all and I cant do anything except apologize. I don't have any feelings for him like that. I know it's a lot to ask but Izu please. I'm sorry. Please don't let my mistake be the end of everything for us." He pleaded with him watering eyes

"Can I talk now?" is all Izuku replied with.


Izuku got up and walked over to Bakugo. He grabbed his chin and made him look him in the eyes. "The next time I tell you I have a feeling about something or someone believe me."

Bakugo nodded vigorously as Izuku kept talking "I'm choosing to believe you here Kacchan. This is the first and last time. If I talk to the snake is he going to tell me the same thing?"

Tears had escaped by now as he promised Izuku. "Yes I promise, if he doesn't then I'm really am beyond an idiot and misjudged the type of person he is."

He let go of Bakugo's chin but made sure he kept looking at him as he spoke. "I can forgive you Kacchan but don't expect me to forget about it anytime soon. Part of me will always be suspicious around him. I'm not saying forever and I don't want you to loose a friend but there's like zero chance in hell you're with him alone for at least the next five years."

Bakugo couldn't help but laugh from what Izuku assumed was relief. "You mean it? You actually forgive me?" He asked of him.

"Assuming you've told me the truth and the kiss wasn't just the end to a long night of cheating... right?" He asked of him menacingly

Bakugo shook his head violently. "No it was just the kiss nothing else happened. I promise."

Izuku nodded and walked past him to open his desk drawer, in it he got mouthwash and threw it to Bakugo. "you wash that snake out of your mouth now."

Bakugo agreed to the task he was given even if he had spent a good hour brushing his teeth and mouth last night. When he returned out of Izuku's bathroom he nearly fell over as Izuku had jumped onto him. A move Izuku seems quite fond of lately. Bakugo managed to steady himself and walk them over to the bed. He knew what Izuku wanted as it was the same thing he's wanted since the whole debacle started. A chance to prove he's Izuku's and nobody else's.

Izuku landed on the bed with Bakugo on top of him but this wouldn't do at all. There's no way he was giving away control to him this soon. Cheating and using his quirk he easily overpowered him and switched their positions.

"Well this is new" Bakugo teased. 

"Shush!" Izuku ordered silencing him with a deep kiss. The usual fight for dominance in their kissing didn't last long as Bakugo surrendered easily this time. Izuku broke apart the kiss while softly biting Bakugo's lower lip.

Their hands exploring every inch of the other's body. Izuku threw off his own shirt but when Bakugo was sitting up and leaning on his elbows to take of his Izuku shoved him back down. He grabbed a handful of the shirt and ripped it off of Bakugo.

Bakugo put his hands on Izuku's hips as they both continued to grind against each other. Izuku grabbed his hands and put them together over his head and pinned them there. Mimicking the hold Kirishima had last night, making it his move. He moved in closer to Bakugo's neck tilting his head slightly so his mouth faced his ears. "you are mine Katsuki"

Then he bit his neck and didn't stop till he broke skin making sure there would be a mark. Bakugo yelped in pain scratching Izuku's back. No mark would remain there however as he just healed immediately. 

Izuku kissed the wound and worked his way back to Bakugo's lips via a detour of his nipples making Bakugo moan hungrily. Izuku kissed him deeply as he undid their belts. Bakugo growled in anticipation of their usual love making. He got a condom out of his jeans and was about to open it when Izuku took it from him and bit the edge of the packaging while he took off the very same jeans Bakugo got the condom from.

Izuku had a fiery glint in his eyes. "You didn't think you're topping right?"

Bakugo suddenly got very nervous as he's never been on the receiving end before. "What?" Is all he managed to get out.

"Are you against it Kacchan? I'm not going to force you." 

Bakugo hesitated for a second but ultimately answered. "think I can't take it?" He teased before telling him "I trust you Izu. . . "

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