Chapter 155

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The air was thick and heavy under the pressure of the hero killer's bloodlust. The other possibility was that Izuku was just really struggling to breathe properly. "I don't answer to that name anymore..." Stain growled at Hawks to show his displeasure at being addressed like that.

It didn't last long though as a twisted half grin stretched his lower face, baring his teeth, which had a red sheen to them. Izuku wondered to himself if Native or perhaps Iida had gotten a lucky hit in causing him to bleed.

No sooner had the thought occurred to him though before he realized the true reason Stain would have blood in his mouth. His quirk must be blood based and if there's one thing he knows about blood quirks, they nearly always come with the overbearing compulsion to consume blood.

"I do have to thank you though Hawks" Stain's voice snapping Izuku back from his thoughts and their possible implications.

He either didn't realize Izuku was on the verge of understanding his quirk or he simply didn't care if anyone knew. He certainly carried on his conversation like he was unaware of Izuku's revelation.

Hawks subtly moved as close as he could to Izuku while still staying safe. He clearly wanted to get him out of there so he indulged the hero killer in his conversation "Oh?"

Stain nodded, his grin spreading further still. "It's not often prey so willingly places itself in range to be slaughtered..."

"Both of you need to leave! This has nothing to do with you!" Iida foolishly interjected himself, still not caring about anything beyond getting Stain's head. How he wanted to do that was still a mystery to Izuku, he was after all just as paralyzed and unmoving as he's been the entire time.

Izuku used the alley's wall to steady himself as he did his best to subtly inch closer to Iida and his captor. "Iida please stop this.." he pleaded with him

"i... I can't. I have to avenge my brother and the name of Ingenium"

Izuku couldn't see his face but the tone of his voice gave it away that despite his insistence he was filled with genuine terror. Izuku couldn't blame him, he was quite literally under the boot of someone who had a blade hanging above him.

Izuku had managed to make it to the pro hero, Native's corpse when he noticed Stain's gaze upon him. Clearly Izuku's display of being weak worked in his favor and he didn't look like a threat if Stain let him get that close. Izuku chose to focus on getting through to Iida instead of being insulted, by which admittedly was currently the truth. He is weakened for now.

"Is this really how you want to become a hero, Iida?! Have you even noticed Native's dead body?" Izuku asked almost slipping on said hero's blood


Izuku was close enough now to partially see Iida's face and he looked shocked to be hearing this, his eyes wide and if he could he'd no doubt be shaking his head in disbelief.

Stain scoffed hearing this. "He was still alive when you first got here child. This is why you are a failure, you didn't even think about saving him." He moved his katana over Iida's arm "No, all you cared about was your pound of flesh..."

Iida screamed as the blade pierced his forearm.

Hawks sent a sharpened feather towards him, making him withdraw the blade and deflect it. His attention was now back on Hawks who rightfully looked angry at what he just did.

"Just let me get the kids out of here, Stain, we can settle things after that..."

Stain spat next to him, disgusted at the notion that he would do what Hawks asked of him "Like I can trust the word of the commission's number one roach..." He repositioned himself into a ready stance, clearly intending to fight. "No, I think not..."

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