(S2)(Ch.8) Damien

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A/N this is gonna be a little bit different than my usual Mari chapters, this will all make sense later on so please bare with me on this chapter. Next one should be focused more on Mari and the kids.

I'd also like to apologize for the major delay in chapters. I graduated high school and currently working on an internship.

For this apology I found some Mari art I made months ago, it's at the end of the chapter.

POV: Damien

I don't really have a home to go back to. Ever since the Autobots and Fowler came and ruined everything my Uncle built for MECH, I've been on the run.

Any MECH agents left over are to be arrested with no resistance.

My name is Damien, I am an 18 year old male that grew up in Colorado up until I was taken along with my Uncle.

My parents got a divorce and they refused to have me as their child anymore. So my uncle stepped up and took me in.

Although he secretly worked against the government he still gave me the best he could.

Until the day where he went mad, he forced me to join the ranks in MECH and trained me to fight.

Bruising, scarring, trauma, all plastered all over me. I almost lost a finger just trying to get over a training course.

It was brutal. I hated him for it.

I only stayed cause I needed shelter and I had no more social skills left to even ask for help.

Now that he's gone, I don't feel sorry, after all. Food, shelter, water, was really all I need to survive in the world.

I didn't have much motive to survive, up until now when this brown haired girl came in with Fowler..

She just suddenly attacked me when I thought I had Fowler down.

I have no idea where she came from but she has got to go. Something tells me she is a major threat.

Luckily my helmet caught a picture of her, so she should be easy to find.

After stealing some of the tech I created my own base.

After looking through some files, the Autobots have an enemy. The Decepticons, maybe if I join them I can have the shelter that I oh so need.

Then again, deception is in the name. I need something to make it seem like I am worth the need.

Maybe a human trump card?

I don't really have much to live for anymore, so might as well.

Maybe I can turn in the brown haired girl. She must have some sort of connection.

It's a gamble but it's what I can do best.. I first need to find her.

I then get a notification of my alarm. Someone is here!

I quickly gathered everything important and bailed.

As I ran, I looked around for a new spot. A cave within the distance.

Running into it, I took a breather from all the running, a purple glow was emitting further down.

I decided to investigate it, and upon it was a purple like crystal. It looks like energon but.. not blue.

So I dug it out and it was huge.

Maybe I can use this to bargain with the cons and with the girl.

All that is left is to find her and bring her here. Yet I still need to also find a way to contact the Decepticons..

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