(Ch.32) One Shall Rise (PT.1)

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Hhheeeeeyyyyyy sorry for being gone for like over two months- I was focusing on my school work and wanted to be sure I have the confidence that I'd pass. Which I did by the way, so it's currently summer. Anyways I shall make it up to you all by making this chapter as long as I can and try my best to get another chapter in. Enjoy.

Trigger warning: Mentions of blood, Mari crying, Manipulation

Mari POV

June was cleaning up the blood from my head, then patched it up till we could go to a hospital.

June was writing something down on a piece of paper. "You don't look like you need stitches, unfortunately I don't have a light to see if you have a concussion, so best to relax yourself and try not to look at a strong light directly." (Sorry if this isn't accurate)

I just nod, I was still trying to gather everything on what's going on.

Bee pulled on the lever to activate the ground bridge. Ratchet and Arcee were helping Optimus by holding onto him, Bulkhead following after in his vehicle form. He transforms back and helps sit Optimus down near me and Raf.

June went to go check on Raf, I look up to see Optimus looking down on us. "I don't know who had it worse.. you, or me." I tried to cheer him up.

"Hey." Raf said beside me.

"They're lucky to be alive." June looked up at Optimus.

I laid myself back down on the rolling table. Something didn't feel right to me, like I feel weaker.

Everything that happened in my dreams was playing in my head again. Then something else played in my head, I see a cybertronian in front of a volcano, shooting out purple lava. I gripped onto my clothes tightly as I start to breath heavily, but that only lasted for a couple seconds before—

June gently picks up Raf and sits him down beside me. "Jack, help me get Raf and Mari to the car."

"Wait what?" Bee said in disbelief.

Jack walked along with June and us as she pushes the cart we were on. "What? Mom I thought you said they were doing better?"

"Mari and Raf need to be examined by real doctors, and their family needs to know what happened." June explained, passing by a mixed Ratchet. "They're real family."

I wanted to say something, but it just.. wasn't my place to stand up to a grown adult. Especially considering June is a mother. Which makes it more difficult.

"Mom, their family can't protect them-" Jack gestures to the autobots. "Not like they can."

Optimus tries to stand up. "June, it deeply graves me that I have failed, but I will do everything in my power to ensure that no harm ever comes to our humans, or anyone.. ever again."

June stops the cart. I looked at Raf with a worried look.

Raf whispers to me. "You gotta say something.. she isn't like mom."

"But she's still a mother I.. I can't.." I whispered, holding onto Raf for comfort.

"Optimus, they're children. They do not belong in your world. They should be worrying about grades, prom dates, pimples! Not their own survival." June explains.

"Mom, dark energon is pouring out of the earth, it doesn't do that. This could be about everyone's survival, not just ours" Jack tries to argue back.

"You're coming with me, all four of you. And they will not be coming back." June stated continuing to push the cart closer to her car.

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