(Ch.2) The Autobots

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~Mari POV~

Another day of school, done.

But I couldn't stop thinking about... those robots we saw yesterday.

I was leaning against a tree while I waited for Raf. Mom took the car for some repairs and improvements, so Raf and I were walking home today.

I peer over at the school front, seeing Raf run up to me. I waved to him. "Hey."

"Hi." Raf said as he held my hand. I'm assuming he might've forgotten what happened yesterday. Hope so at least.

I look back up to see the same black haired boy I saw yesterday. "Isn't that Jack?" I whispered to Raf.

Raf looks at my direction, then where I was looking. "It is." He whispered back.

Jack looks over to us. I raised a hand, as Raf waved his hand. Jack walked over to us. "Remember to not tell anyone about what we saw?"

"Yeah, I was forgetting about it until you brought it up." I lied.

A yellow Urbana drove up to us.

"Oh no not again..." Jack said.

I glared at the robot in disguise. The yellow robot opens its passenger door, making beeps and whirrs at us.

"It... wants us to get in...?" Jack said.

"No, just me and Mari." Raf said. I gave him a questionable look.

"How do you know that?" Jack asked.

"It said so." Raf looks at Jack, then behind him. "Yours is over there." Raf points to the blue motorcycle, aka the female like robot we ran into yesterday.

Raf grabbed my hand, pulling me to the yellow Urbana. "Hey, nice to see you again." Raf made me enter the passenger seat and him in the back.

"Wait! No!" Jack yelled.

But the yellow bot drove off, leaving him behind.

"Mom is gonna be so mad..." I said to myself. I turn to Raf, "You realize we're being kidnapped right?"

"No we're not, Bee wouldn't hurt us." Raf replied back.


"The robot we're in right now. His name is Bumblebee, but he's allowing us to call him Bee." Raf smiled.

I turned to the radio, glaring at it. "If anything happens to him, I won't be afraid to become a Reversed Mechanic." I threatened.

Panic-like beeps and whirrs came as a response. Raf translated, "He says 'I won't let anything happen to Raf or you, Mari, because we help people.' We should trust him."

"Hmph, first Jack and now these robots I have to worry about. I'm not letting what happened two years ago happen again." I said, putting my headphones on.

I put on The Neighborhood at full blast. My anxiety is getting the best of me and I need to calm down...

~Raf POV~

I looked at Mari, she seemed a bit stressed and anxious. I wouldn't blame her though, everything that happened in a little less than 24 hours is what's driving her like this.
(A/N no pun intended)

"Is she okay?" Bee Asked.

"Yeah, she's just worried for my well being. I'm not mad at her for it though. I like her being protective of me." I replied.

"She said something about two years ago. I'd ask what happened, but I'm sure she doesn't want to talk, or even understand what I'm saying."

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