(Ch.30) Two Shall Fall pt.1

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TW: Brief mentions of blood and unconscious children

Mari POV

My nightmares have been more frequent than usual. My lack of sleep has been getting to me, so my eyes has been getting eye bags.

I had to use my mother's make-up just to hide the eye bags when people started questioning my lack of sleep.

There were even times I fell asleep in class and got a lunch detention every so often.

I wanted this to stop, but who could I turn to?

I suddenly got an idea for good advice. Especially when it comes to cybertronians.

I walk up to Ratchet. "Hey Ratchet, where is Optimus?"

Ratchet looked down at me. "He's in his berthroom. Is something the matter?"

"No, I just wanted to ask him something. His judgment on something I'm doing for school." I lied.

"Well you can ask me."

"Ratchet, last time you helped me with a school project I got a failing grade." I tell him before I walked away.

I definitely can tell Ratchet was hurt by that, but it was the truth.

Anyways I walked in the hallways to look for Optimus's room. It was hard to tell considering everything looks the same.

I knocked on each door trying to figure out which room what is, when I finally found Optimus's room. All the way at the end of the hallway.

I knock on the door, then Optimus opened it and looked down to see me.

"Marielle? What is the matter?" Optimus asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." I tell him.

Optimus nods, he picks me up and took me inside for privacy. "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"For the past week I've been having nightmares about this cybertronian. At least I think they're cybertronian. They would.. shoot me every time I'm in the dream. It's weird too cause I can control myself in the dream, I try to predict every shot but I still get shot.. they had purple eyes and a purple blaster on one arm and a blade on the other. I don't know which arm though.. but every time I fall asleep I see them. Their laugh, their manic behavior, their eyes. It felt so surreal but real at the same time." I look at Optimus in his eyes.

"I see.. I believe I know who you're talking about.." Optimus thought to himself for a second.

I proceeded. "I kinda kept it to myself, unsure what you all would think if I told you. I didn't want you all to worry or think differently of me." I grab a makeup remover wipe and cleaned the under of my eyes revealing the eye bags. "This nightmare has been affecting my performances the whole week."

"Do not worry, though your dreams might feel real to you, it will never happen. You won't get shot as you are safe here in base. Even if it were to be a possibility, I will never let it happen. Not to you, not to Rafael, nor to Miko or Jack. You all will be safe here in Autobots hands." Optimus comforts me.

I look up at him with a smile. "Thanks Optimus. I knew coming to you would be the best option.. uh.. actually. Can we keep this to ourselves. Like I said I don't want to worry the others, but if it does continue.. maybe it'd be best to tell them then."

"I agree. I'll keep it to myself until then. Thank you for trusting me Mari." Optimus tells me.

That was the last thing I remember before I fell asleep in his servos.

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