(Ch.8) Heroes

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"They're syncing it to the dishes. But I can sync to them."

"Would they know?" I asked.

"Even if the Decepticons see that I'm in the system, they'll have no idea I'm in the house." Raf continues to type.

We watch him type away on the computer.

What we didn't know... was that a Decepticon was right near us...

~Mari POV~

"They're locked onto Cybertron, but not for long." Raf types in some codes

The dishes turn away.

"The dishes are heading back towards Cybertron." Raf says in a worried tone. "I'll just do that again." He types.

"What happens when the Cons realize that they're being punked?" Jack asked.

"It's only virtual combat, like you know, online gaming." Raf explains.

"Yeah Jack! What are the Cons gonna do? They're probably like, a thousand miles away from us." Miko tries to lighten up the mood.

Jack looks behind him slowly. He yells.

We turn to see some sort of medal tentacle attack us. Raf keeps typing away while the three of us sorta panicked.

We get slammed against the wall by the tentacle.

"I won't let them log on again." We hear Raf say under our screams of panic.

We get spun around before hitting another wall, separating us.

Raf keeps typing, then looks over to see the tentacle about ready to attack him.

I got up then attacked it. "Leave him alone!" I yelled. "Hurry!"

Raf gets up, taking the flash drive out. He jumps away from the tentacle.

I end up falling, twisting my ankle in the process.

I couldn't get up from the tentacle being above me.

~Third POV~

Miko grabs an axe from the emergency kit. She used it as a weapon. "Hiya!" She yells before missing her hit, instead getting a hit back. The axe falls to the ground, as Miko hits the wall where Raf and Jack were.

Jack was holding Mari up, trying to help her steady.

The tentacle grabs the axe, aiming it at the children.

"You gave it an axe?!" Jack yelled.

"Not good." Raf panicked.

It was about to hit them, but gets retracted away, then out the door.

They ran, not knowing they ran into the Decepticon that attacked them. They had fear in their eyes while staring at it.

Miko takes a picture of the Con, not knowing it too took a photo of the four children. It transforms then flies away.

"Why's he leaving?" Miko Asked.

Raf runs to a cable. Seeing the axe was used to cut it. "He cut the hardline, the dishes are locked onto Cybertron... for good."

"No... this can't be possible. We were so close." Mari sounded disappointed and frightened.

~Back at Base~

~Mari POV~

We land back on the base ground. Seems that Agent Fowler is up and moving.

Jack helps me up the stairs to get me patched up.

Raf's Older Sister | OC Mari Esquivel | Transformers PrimeWhere stories live. Discover now