(Ch.12) Little Fiend

978 20 12

~Bumblebee POV~

"Are we there yet?" I asked.

"No we're not there yet." Bulkhead sighed. "But it should be just passed this ridge, Bumblebee."

We slide down, hitting the cold ground.

"I don't get it, these readings are off the meter." Bulkhead shakes the device.

I look over to find something. "Hey Bulkhead look what I found!" Walking over to the thing. He walks over to look at it as well.

~Back at Base~
~Third POV~

"I told you doc," Bulkhead started, "we're fine!" He takes off the tube connected to him.

"The only way to be certain you're fine Bulkhead is to endure standard defrosting procedure." Ratchet babbled. "You know prolonged sub zero conditions can cause system damage."

"Ratchet." Optimus walks in with Arcee. "Do have more information about our Arctic find?"

Ratchet looks at Optimus with a disappointment look. "Not yet." He walks over to his computer. "The pod can't be opened while it's frozen solid."

He's referring to the pod that Bee and Bulkhead found a while ago.

What the gang didn't know... was that part of the pod had melted off.

(A/N cue TFP intro)

Ratchet was pressing buttons on the computer, then flips the switch for the Groundbridge to activate.

"Arcee and I will search for any clue which might help find for our arctic find." Optimus and Arcee walked in front of the portal.

"Only until your sensors sound." He pressed the buttons on the control. "Remember, once your core temperature drops into the blue zone, system failures are likely." He scans them. "They're eminent."

Bulkhead and Bumblebee pull up from the entrance, arriving with the kids.

Miko steps out. "Miss us Doc-Bot?" She Asked with a playful tone.

Ratchet looks at her. He groans. "Shouldn't they be in school?"

"On Saturday?" Miko Asked. As the other children followed behind her. "We have the whole weekend off to spend with you."

~Mari POV~

"I wasn't expecting to join Mari and Raf. What gives Arcee?" Asked the concerned Jack.

We not enough entertainment? Ouch...

"Tag-Team Jack. It my turn for exploration duty." Arcee replies.

"Ah, too bad. It's a beautiful day for a ride." Jack crosses his arms. "Would hate for you to feel guilty for leaving me indoors." He teases her.

"Arctic exploration duty." Arcee tells him.

"Indoors where it's warm."Jack says leaving to the human area.

"Huh... I wonder what snow looks like up close..." I said, turns out Raf heard me.

Raf pulls me over to Arcee and Optimus. "The Arctic?" He started off. "Me and Mari always wanted to see snow."

"I would invite you both to join us, but the conditions are much too extreme. Even for we autobots." Optimus says.

"I understand." Raf sighs. I pat his head.

"Don't worry little brother. Maybe one day we will see snow." I reassure him.

Optimus And Arcee turn to the portal, but Optimus looks back at us.

"But, I will bring you two a snowball." He said.

Raf's Older Sister | OC Mari Esquivel | Transformers Primeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن