(S2)(Ch.5) Lovingly

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A/N who wants me to make a Musi and/or Spotify playlist for Mari and Bee?
Personally I use Musi more but whoever uses Spotify I can make a playlist on there too.

Warning: A heated make out session but it doesn't go that far. I'll have a ⚠️ emoji whenever it's about to start or end


Mari and Mom have been fighting a lot more recently. I sometimes been checking on Mari every time they stopped arguing. Sometimes being there is enough for her.

I think she needs to go out with Bee some more, but the bots have been busy dealing with the military's order against them. Not to mention the Decepticons still not resting.

Ever since meeting the bots, Mari's confidence against Mom has been growing. I'm proud of her, cause not even I can do something whenever I got talked down by mom.

Agent Fowler has been trying to convince the General that the imposter they found in MECH's hideout is not Optimus. It's taking a pretty long time to get any results and the green light to continue.

I miss riding with Bee while we race around in the desert.

I also miss him and Mari being happy together, I feel like they've been falling apart because of the war.

Their bond is strong, it's like they were tied to each other.

What was that trope I read in the books?

Red String Trope?

Whatever the case, they're stuck together.

I knocked on Mari's door. Hearing a fairly quiet 'come in.'

I open her door to see her cuddling the plush Bee won for her. "Hey Mari, I brought some pineapples, your favorite." I hold out a bowl of pineapple I cut up for her.

"Thanks, you didn't have to." Mari perks up.

I sit on her bed. "You know, Bee misses you. You haven't came to the base today."

"I miss him too, I just, I'm just not feeling the best right now." Mari sighs before taking a piece of pineapple and taking a bite of it.

"I know, I told him you weren't feeling your best today. He understands, but he did say you should talk to me or him about it if it bothers you." I pat her back.

Mari smiles. "You two are such goofballs." She pulls me into a hug. "I'll be sure to be there tomorrow to talk to him."

"Actually.." I point to her window. "That's what I wanted to say as well."

Mari got up and looked out the window to see Bee parked. His lights off and holoform sitting in the driver's seat.

She turns to me. "What is he doing here?! What if the military sees him? Or the cons? Or worse.."

"Worse?" I ask.

"Mom sees.."

"Mom won't see, she's in her room so she won't be able to the front yard. Just go, make sure to be extra quiet." I gesture Mari out of her room to quickly leave to go with Bee.

Mari POV

Raf managed to sneak me out, so I wasn't going to waste this opportunity to see Bee.

I quickly but quietly managed to get in Bee's passenger seat. "Bee what are you-" I was interrupted by his lips on mine.

And my immediate reaction was to embrace it. I missed feeling like this with him, he makes me feel all warm and safe around him.

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