(S2)(Ch.9) Onto The Nemesis

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Mari POV

Bulkhead was explaining how he practically wrecked the Nemesis in a blow.

"You trashed Megatron's ride like a rock star in a hotel room." Miko praised.

"That is certainly an accomplishment and most certainly valuable." I agreed with Bulkhead's actions.

"Which is why we should hit them right now while they're vulnerable," Arcee adds to the wrecking idea.

"Megatron's warship may be grounded, but let's not forget we remain vastly outnumbered, especially since he has added the inseticon hive to his ranks." Ratchet argued.

"Maybe it's time for me to call in an airstrike." Fowler gave another idea.

"Or for us to consider more extreme measures Agent Fowler." Optimus spoke.

Optimus explains the plan of using the Spark Extractor. That is going down a pretty morbid path, but anything to stop the war yes?

Then again, they're responsible for the lives that were lost before in their hands, the reason Cybertron fell.

I can't say much as I have little to no knowledge of such thing, but I am sure Optimus knows what needs to be done. He is more of a leader than any of us in Team Prime.

"Optimus, I'm detecting a massive energy spike at the deception crash site. It appears to be dark energon." Ratchet explained the issue on the screen.

The purple stuff again...

Ever since the attack, I have been avoiding anything purple as it reminds me of the horrors.

Speaking of such, my doppleganger spoke to me before I woke from my coma. Saying something like how it will be my support in the future. What kind of support? Is it Unicron? No, he certainly would kill me if I am going to be honest.

Is it like a mix of my personality with his energy? It feels weird and doesn't make much sense. Ratchet explained to me how he was able to heal me and Raf with energon before as it should have neutralized the dark energon. However, the dark energon flowed through my body still which it ultimately resulted in what occurred in regards to my possession. 

This has been mind boggling, maybe I should talk to Ratchet and Optimus about this. I shouldn't keep this in my mind like last time.

Ratchet activated the spacebridge for Team Prime to enter so they could finish off the Decepticons.

It didn't last long, at most 5 minutes before Fowler called us saying Team Prime was down.

When they were brought back in, they were just statues. Unmoving in a random pose they froze in.

I look at Bee, touching his ped as I try and see what I can do. 

But there was nothing I could really do, I don't even know what to think.

"They're alive, but I've never encountered this form of stasis lock." Ratchet looks at the Team's data after he examined them thoroughly.

"The cons are crossing the Atlantic, making a beeline for North America." Fowler spoke.

"Hold on, we can track them? I thought they were cloaked. Was it damaged in the fall or something?" I was confused as they are usually smarter about this.

"None of this makes a lick of sense, they had us in the crosshairs but the cons just took off." Fowler was also confused.

"They literally could have blasted you all to smithereens. Though I am glad that never happened, it's so weird." I spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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