(Ch.13) Con-Job

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A/N to make things easier, I use to write while pausing the episode in place, and that takes literally over an hour. I'm a bit of a slow writer and to check for mistakes (and missing a few sometimes) I'm just gonna watch the full episode, then write it out after. Some things might not be correct, but this is really what I want to do in order to provide both the entertainment and Mari's story fast as possible. Because I'm hella excited to get to season 3 of the book. ^^

Speaking of that, I might separate the books by season due to the chapter limit being 200, but I will see what I can do.

A/N as of March 1st of writing this Author's note, due to high school sophomore year being a pain in the ass... Chapters might be delayed. As I'm sure everyone knows cuz of when this chapter is being posted.

Enjoy the story!

~Mari POV~

After the whole incident with the Scraplets, Ratchet was trying to repair everything that was broken. I decided to help him out, as it seemed he was the only one to be fixing them.

During that process, everyone was in the base, just enjoying the environment.

"Marielle, it is not needed for you to help me." Ratchet said, fixing the computer.

With my screwdriver, I screwed part of the computer that was replaced. "I know, but as a junior engineer, staying on the sidelines is not an option. Especially if it's something I can actually do."

All Ratchet did was grumble, but I did hear a 'thank you' from him. Which I smiled to, because I don't feel useless at all.

Fixing up the place would be hard for one being, but even a little boost could get things going into place. Anyone would need all the help they could get, regardless of their size or experience.

The computer starts to boot back up after the last adjustment. "It's fixed, I suppose I was wrong about not needing help. This is helping me get to the smaller parts of things around here." Ratchet thanked.

"You're welcome. I fixed cars, motorcycles, and even trucks sometimes when I was in middle school. This was nice, because I learned a lot about this type of technology." I said with a slight squeal.

"I can tell. When did you suddenly start liking machines and engineering?" Curiosity spilled from Ratchet.

"Well, me and my family were in California for vacation, this was when we were in Elementary school at the time. We went to a carnival, and as soon as I step foot on the boardwalk I immediately fell in love with the scenery." I explained.

"Carnival? What is that?" Ratchet Asked.

"I'll have to explain that some other time." I said with a sigh. "But what interested me the most, was when I also discovered another interest. Space."

"Why Space?"

"Me and Raf went on the Ferris Wheel, it's like a big tire shape, where they have small compartments for humans to go in. It would go up and down, and if you're lucky you'd be the one at the tippy top of the Ferris Wheel." I explained.


"Raf and I were lucky to be the top, it was dark too. We were able to see the stars and the moon."

"So, will your family visit again?" Ratchet Asked.

"The uh... the carnival no longer exists due to a brand new Office building taking its place." I sighed with sadness. "We learned about that a year ago."

"I see. That is a shame." Ratchet says.

"But, you guys are amazing. Even if it was still there and you guys were still here for the summer, I'd have to beg my family not to go." I said with a small smile.

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