(Ch.1) It Stepped On Raf's Toy Car

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(A/N 11/4/20: I changed Jane's name to Mari(Marielle) cus it sounds more unique and fitting. So if you read this chapter already no need to read it again ^^)

~Mari POV~

Jasper, Nevada. The most boring place you could be in.
School has finally ended for the day. I walked out of the building to see my little brother, Raf, sitting on the stairs.

"Hey little brother. Ready to go play some cars?"

"Yeah, I brought my car this time so we don't have to go home and back."

We entered the car my friend gave me. She was moving away from Jasper, so she gave me her car sense she was getting a completely new car.

We drove down the highway, then pulled up to an exit. We have this little spot Raf and I like to hang out at. It's sometimes quiet, apart from the cars driving by on the bridge above it.

I parked my car at a little gas station. The owner was nice and let us keep the car stay whenever we go to our little spot.

Though, we do have to walk to our spot for 3 minutes, not much of a walk but still it's pretty hot out.

Raf and I arrived at our spot. I looked over at him, seeing him carrying his toy car and remote control.

We sit down as he plays with his toy car. I took out my book and started reading.

'I personally don't need a guy or girl to protect me. I have myself and my family to protect myself. It does seem odd, but sometimes you have to protect the people you love.'

'The people that protect me don't love me, so I have to love myself to protect myself and love my family to protect them.'

I smiled. I was reading a Fantasy book of a female maiden that was being hunted from awful people. Knights and Guards would protect her, but she didn't want forced people to protect her. She wanted people that loved her to protect her.

It might sound weird, but she truly is my hero. Because of her, I convinced my parents to give me Karate classes. I'm a black belt. I graduated about three years ago.

Luckily, my karate came in handy. My brother and I were about to be mugged while walking home from school at the time.

I was 14 and my brother was 10. I've been on edge when going out in public alone, but because we're in the middle of nowhere, who would disturb our peace? Who would mug us children?

I'm protecting Raf, and the rest of my family. My love is what makes me strong.

I feel someone poke my cheek. I looked over to see my little brother smiling at me. I smiled back, "What is it? Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"You're really into that book. I'm glad they're continuing the story of that book. It seems to bring a light in your life." Raf explains.

"Heh, guess it does. I feel a lot more safer with you if I have to be honest. Everyone else at school is nice, but sometimes there is people, horrible ones, that like to ruin the smile you have on your face."

"I know, Mari. Hey, when we get home, want to play some racing?" Raf Asked.

"Sure, I don't have homework today other than Geometry, so I'll have time to play." I told him, showing my homework folder in my backpack.


Raf and I play racing games quite a lot. Sometimes he'd win. Sometimes I win.

Regardless we have fun, and I'm glad we bond well together. I wouldn't want to trade him for anyone or anything. Because I care for my little brother.

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