(Ch.33) One Shall Rise (PT.2)

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I commissioned someone to draw this for me a while ago. Here is her Instagram: https://instagram.com/willow___wisp?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

Trigger Warning: Manipulation, Human imprisonment, Sad Imagination


Third POV

While everyone was discussing on how to defeat Unicron, Mari sat and watched, Unicron using her eyes and ears to hear what was happening. Deciding to wait and see if the Prime will be by himself.

'I'm not at my full strength as of right now. Especially with this puny and weak body of this human girl.' Unicron said in Mari's mind. 'Waiting is the best play to go to until I can figure out what they plan on doing. From there I shall extinguish Prime's spark.'

Mari listened, she wanted to cry and say something, but Unicron threatened her.


'If you keep your mouth shut, I won't hurt your human friends, especially your brother, Raf.' Unicron tells her.

'I'll listen, just don't hurt anyone.' Mari tells him.


Mari didn't know what to do, Unicron has her at her throat, one wrong move from her and it's done for for everyone.

"Ratchet, this epicenter is consistent with the findings of the others. It's terrain is rich and ore." Optimus says in the com. He went out to a location.

Mari was listening in, so was Unicron. Her twitched, sending him watching through her eyes and ears. Having him manipulate her body without her say in it.

"So what does that tell us?" Fowler looks at Ratchet.

"It follows that the natural metals in your earth would be extensions of Unicron his limbs if you will." Ratchet explains.

"So he did have his morning stretch, which is why these quakes happened." June summarized.

'I believe it is time for me to see the Prime himself. I shall be back, and when I do you better be silent.' Unicron says before leaving Mari alone.

It felt like the weight came off her shoulders, though Unicron still lingers within her, he currently isn't paying attention to her as of right now.

"I'm going to the bathroom." She tells everyone before going.

Once she makes it to the bathroom she looks at herself in the mirror, the bandage on her head and her eye bags from crying a lot in one day.

"I want this to end already.." she said. "I don't think Raf has to worry about this, considering how small he is, I don't think the dark energon is inflicting him anymore than it did. It's probably gone now.." Mari returns back the the human area to see all the bots, but Ratchet gone.

Then it hit her, when Unicron left he said he'd meet the prime himself. What did he mean by that?

"Where are the others?" Mari ran up the stairs.

"Optimus was in trouble. Unicron appeared out of no where, multiplying himself to destroy Optimus. I sent the team to give him support. Unicron is after Optimus, Marielle." Ratchet tells me.

I stood there, debating whether to say something to Ratchet. Suddenly, Jack was holding onto me.

"Woah! Easy Mari. Don't lose your footing." He said.

Miko and Raf were behind him, checking on Mari as well.

"I'll go get you some water." Raf went to Mari's bag.

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