(Ch.5) Humansitter

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A/N Have a drawing I made of Mari and Raf. (Fun Fact: This is the first time I drew Raf)
(Fun Fact #2: Keep in mind about the scarf. Yes, it's actually related to the story.)

Raf got most of his POV in this chapter haha. ^^

~Mari POV~

We arrived back the base, seeing Arcee, Bulkhead, with Jack and Miko with them. They seemed to have enjoyed themselves due to their faces and laughs.

Raf and I stepped out of Bee, bringing out snacks for Miko and Jack.

"We brought snacks for us just in case." Raf says excitedly.

I turned to Bee, "Bee that was amazing! The adrenaline I just faced was immensely." I was practicing screaming due to our adventure.

"I'm glad you enjoyed our adventure. It was nice getting to know both you and Raf." Bee beeps.

I smiled, my face turning a bit pinkish.

I don't really talk often, but I opened up to Bee pretty fast in one morning. That's a record I'm sure no one else can beat.

~Raf POV~

I saw Mari's face turn a bit pinkish. Bee is already rubbing onto her. That's good, that means she's starting to be fond of him.

"Woah, what happened here?" Arcee Asked.

"It was the liquid sample. A drop spilled on a machine and it caused it to come alive. It attacked, but Optimus put a stop to it." Ratchet explains.

"Ratchet got a reading from the sample, so we were about to look around to figure out more about it." Optimus adds in.

"Ratchet hasn't even been in the field for forever, at least since Cybertron fell." Bulkhead points out.

"I might be old, but I can still fight." Ratchet scoffs.

"Bulkhead, Bumblebee, and Arcee. You will stay here to watch over the humans, until we return." Optimus looks at Arcee. "Arcee, you're in charge."

Ratchet starts up the groundbridge, then enters, following behind Optimus.

"Wait, shouldn't Bulkhead be in charge because he's strong?" Miko chimes in.

"Not now Miko. I brought some games we could play." I changed the subject.


"Sorry Raf, but I think Bee and I should go on patrol." Arcee apologizes.

"That's too bad. Have fun Bee." Mari says waving, then heads to the stairs.

Bee looks over at Mari's figure, looking sad, then looks at me.

"Aw man..." He says, transforming into his car mode. Arcee does the same, the two drive out of the base.

"Guess That makes you in charge, Bulkhead." Jack shrugs.

Miko grabs her guitar, plugging her cables in some base booster.

"Hey Raf, What do you play?" She asks.

"Uh...keyboard?" I said awkwardly showing my laptop.

"Nice!" She looks at Mari, leaning against the railing on the stairs. "What about you?"

"Uh... I learned how to play a classical guitar..? But I don't own one." She answers.

"Dang." She looks at Jack. "What about—"

Miko gets interrupted by a call.

"It's Agent Fowler! Quick hide." Bulkhead says frantically.

We all hide behind his foot, Miko still holding her guitar.

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