(Ch.27-29) Interaction

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After trying to figure out ideas for the next couple chapters I mentioned in the previous one, I can't seem to get an idea of how Mari would be involved the most without taking too much of the spotlight of the original series. So like Chapter 15, I will just write the interactions for each episode. If I don't think of an interaction in an episode it will just be blank. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I'd like to keep up the pace with the story before I start to become even more busy than I already was.

Ch.27 Partners (Interaction)
Mari wouldn't be around like at all. Though she was there when Bee told her about what happened between Arcee and Starscream and would comfort Arcee. Though she doesn't know how to comfort her she'd try to just be worth her to vent as if she were to be her big sister in a way.

Ch.28 T.M.I (Interaction)
Near the end of the T.M.I episode, Mari would be there to comfort Miko when she was in distress and and guilt when Bulkhead was in like a coma state.

Ch.29 Stronger,Faster (Interaction)
Mari would question Ratchet's behavior having using the synthetic energon being tested on himself.

She would tell him that it might've been a bad idea to test it on himself instead of other machinery.

Ratchet would tell her off, but later on in the episode he would apologize for his behavior towards her. Mari would forgive him, but would continue her judgment towards him.

That's about all I can think of for the interactions. Anyways we will be moving onto the series finally with:
Ch.30 Two Shall Fall
Starting it as soon as this one gets published

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