(Ch.3) Gaurdians

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(A/N) Sorry if this chapter seems short, I'm a bit behind schedule rn so it's a bit of a mess rn. I sadly can't remember exactly how the starter episodes go, so it might be wonky.

Anyways, everything should be placed correctly once I finish the four starter episodes.

(Okay gn cuz it's almost midnight when I published this so-)

~Mari POV~

We've only been here for about an hour or two. I checked the clock, it was only 6pm.

Raf and I, and I'm sure Jack and Miko as well, should be home or at another important destination by now.

But yet here we are, just waiting for the others to get back.

"Ratchet, open the groundbridge." Said Optimus through the coms.

Ratchet opens a level, revealing the mix of greens, blues, purples, emitting from the portal.

It seems to be blue fire that's approaching the tunnel. Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead, and Optimus was driving through to not get blown away.

They transform, landing perfectly on the ground.

"Cool! That was awesome!" Miko screamed.

"Cliffjumper?" Ratchet Asked.

"We do not know. Only Arcee knows." Optimus turns to Arcee. "What happened back there?"

"It wasn't Cliffjumper. It was some thing." Arcee said with a saddened tone, till she falls.

Bumblebee's saddened whirrs and bleeps filled my ears. I can tell he's worried about Arcee.

"Arcee, are you alright?" Jack asked.

"I'm fine."

'A robot with emotions, that feels pain...'

"No you're not fine don't be stubborn." Ratchet says. He examines her for anything out of the ordinary. "What is this substance?"

"I was all over Cliffjumper." Arcee replies.

"Get decontaminated." Ratchet says, taking a sample from Arcee. "I'll figure this out."

Arcee gets up, heading to this big shower-like cylinder.

I lean against the railing. This is utterly weird.

"I think it is about time to assign guardians to the humans." Optimus says, looking at us humans.

"What?" Ratchet said.

"The Decepticons know about our human allies. It is best to protect them, not get them involved in their plans." Optimus explains. He turns to Bulkhead, "Bulkhead you'll be Miko's Gaurdian."

He looks over at Ratchet.

"No no no, I'm not going to be responsible for a human." Ratchet says pressing buttons on her pad.

Arcee steps out of the decontamination cylinder. Optimus looks over at her. "You'll be Jack's guardian."

"I can't, I'm still dizzy." Arcee makes an excuse.

"No you're not, you're fine." Ratchet debunks.

Optimus looks over at me an Raf, then over to Bumblebee. "Are you able to watch over them both?"

Bumblebee nodes, I think I can make out on what he's saying... "I can take care of them both." Is what I think he said. Wait I can understand him?

"Alright, then you'll be Raf and Mari's guardian." Optimus tells him.

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