Mari Facts

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A/N sorry for lack of attention in Wattpad, I've mostly been focusing on school and my job. My birthday is this Friday so I will try to get the next chapter done either that day for before Halloween. Have Mari Facts, as headcanons will be written soon as well(maybe).

Edit: I lied I did nothing of the sort

Some of these facts are actually important to the story, as well as possible foreshadowing near the future!

• = Important
* = Irrelevant/changed
- = Other

• As a child, Mari always loved to own her own weapon.

* Mari was supposed to be her own original character and not Raf's Older Sister.

- Mari's favorite color is the warm colors. (red, orange, yellow)

• Mari always feels guilty of not being able to help the Autobots in missions.

• She loves to keep her hair short, and will take any chance to cut it.

- Mari sees Graham Burns as an idol, as she is into similar things as him.

- Mari still has contact with her friend mentioned from the first chapter.

• Mari was originally supposed to be a mute.

* Mentioned early of being her own character, she was supposed to be close to Optimus Prime.

- Mari loves Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa, which I inspired her by.

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