(Ch.26) Storyteling

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Mari POV

"Fine.. I'll talk." I said to Bumblebee.

He had me practically tied me up with his own seat belt when I accidentally slipped out something in regards of my past.

"Good, good." Bee said, loosening the seat belt.

We were driving around for another one of our dates, so we were practically in the middle of no where.

"You should probably stop, this may or may not be a bit triggering. I do have a feeling you'll get mad." I look at Bee's dashboard.

Bee pulls over behind a rock.

I take a deep breath, gripping on my clothes. "When I was born, I was treated as the second oldest. As I technically am the oldest.. but I do.. have an older brother my family never likes to mention about. Anyways.. because I'm considered the oldest now, my mom would always have so much put onto me with responsibilities and forced me to do things I didn't want to do."

"Stuff like taking engineering only cause my dad was making bank off it and she wanted me to do the same. Listen, I do love engineering, but I was forced to it back then.. it still was wrong of her to do that."

"She was very much narcissistic, so if she was to not get anything her way she'd take it out with yelling at me of my siblings." I sigh. "I mostly went to take the blame so my siblings didn't have to."

"I didn't know your mom was like that." Bee tells me, tightening the seatbelt to make it seem like he's hugging me.

"She lost a lot of her narcissistic behavior, so it's fine.. but never once have I heard her say 'Good job.' to any of us. Just 'keep your grades an A.' From her every day at the table." I tell him. "It all okay though. She isn't as bad as she was before."

"I'm still sorry to hear that you and Raf went through that.. I'm glad your mom is changing for the better but still.."

"It's okay Bee.. but are you mad?" I asked.

He was silent for a couple seconds. "Yes and no. I'm mad that she acted that way in the first place, but I'm not mad that she's changing herself. Maybe not completely for the better like I said but a lot better than how she was."

I smile. "I suppose you're right."

"Let's go pick up Raf from his after school club." Bee says before he drives back onto the road.

When we picked up Raf, we went to a fast food place and picked up dinner there as.. once again, Mom and our other siblings were out of town.

"Hey Bee, instead of heading straight home, how about a sunset view?" Raf asked Bee.

"Why not, but afterwards we should definitely head back. I'm not sure if Optimus or the others will need me." Bee tells us.

He drives us up on a cliff and then let's us out. We take our food and sat ourselves near the edge of the cliff, still keeping our distance.

Bee's holoform appears then sat next in between me and Raf. He hugs us gently against him as we watch the sun start to set.

I take out a French fry and waved it up at Bee. "Want to try human food?" I tease him.

Bee takes a bite of the French fry. He takes out his notebook, which he has been keeping and learning to write with, and writes down something. He shows it to me which says "I barely taste anything."

I laugh as Raf looked at us confusingly. "What's so funny?"

"Bee tried a French Fry and he said it doesn't taste like anything." I giggled. "I for some reason found it a little funny."

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