Actually it doesn't even matter if its everyone or not, Blue just knew one thing, Aly lit her world so brightly that he felt like all the time he had lived before didn't matter anymore.

All that mattered was the time spent with her and Aiden and the time he was going to spend with them.

"Let's go Blue." He heard his father, he looked up to see his father waiting for him to get in the car.

Suddenly something in him scratched the back of his head, he put a hand up to calm his drumming heart but nothing was working. He put a hand up to touch his cheeks only to realise he was crying.

What is happening?

A hand on his shoulder made him turn to look at Claire who's eyes softened seeing his wet cheeks,
"What's happening Blue?" Claire asked him and he shook his head trying to gather his thoughts.

He didn't know.

He had no clue himself how was he supposed to tell Claire?

"Get in Blue." He heard his father, his voice lacing sternness, he took a deep breath wiping his tears with his sweater paws and breathed deeply to calm down.

Everything is fine.

He'll sit inside the car, they'll leave..

Instead the second he even thought about leaving his entire frame froze.

He was leaving?

"Come on Blue your entire family is waiting for you." He heard his father say as he sat down on the passenger seat besides Nick on the driving seat.

But his entire family wasn't there. No matter how much he tried to accept it, it was the truth.

Aly and Aiden weren't there.

Oh god what is wrong with him?

It's just a single day trip, why can't he just let go. Why isn't his heart slowing down to its normal pace? Why is his head so fucking heavy?

Suddenly yesterday morning flashed his eyes, and it wasn't anything else but rather a someone's face. A distressed face. A discomforted body withering on the bed trapped in the horrors of the mind.

He remembered he hadn't spared a second before waking her up since it was already morning and he couldn't see her like that anymore.

Now how will she be when there won't be anyone around her tomorrow? There would be no one to pull her out of the cursed nightmares, no one to hold her body if it moves to fall down the bed, no one to hold her in their arms providing the constant comfort she needs.

He didn't even realise when his hand went and unbuckled his own seatbelt before he was standing outside the car looking at the tinted windows.

He couldn't.

He saw all the other doors of the car open and everyone came out of the car when they realised what he did.

He made eye contact with his father and he knew his father knew what he was thinking,
"Don't even think about it Blue, get back in the car." His father told him, tone turning an octave lower trying to sound stern but Blue definitely heard the pleading.

His father wanted him. All of him.

But that's not possible.

He can't do this. He can't give his all to his father, because he didn't have it.

They had it.

Parts of him. And he knew he only ever feels complete when they are with him.

They were always with him, everytime he felt upset or sad they were there to comfort him, hold him, soothe him and last but not the least they always kept him happy no matter what. Always made sure he had a smile on his face whenever they were around.

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