🕰 Astronomical Failure 🕰

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(Five Hargreeves)

The love of my life stood in front of me and I had no clue how to feel.

She's safe which was something I was extremely worried about, but she's also trying to kill me. Well, not really, but she's helping Lila.

I watched with wide eyes as Lila slowly made her way towards us with a knife in her hand, and Y/n was busy pinning me against the wall.

With a smirk on her stupidly hot face.

It made me love her even more to say the least, but it was really bad timing.

I looked at Y/n, and for the first time, I realized they were both just in the hot tub. I hesitantly looked down at her before shooting my head back up. Yep. Just as I assumed.

My cheeks turned bright red.

It's hard enough to focus with Y/n fighting me and me trying to figure out why she was, but it's even worse when she's naked. My breathing quickened.

I noticed Lila had was now very close with a knife in her hand. I gave one last look to Y/n before spacial jumping out of her grasp.

As soon as I spacial jumped away, Lila stabbed the knife towards my stomach. I just nearly dodged it. However, she did kick me in the stomach after.

She punched towards my face and I dodged it. I finally uppercut Lila and got a hit on her. She groaned and threw her head back.

I looked over at a metal tray that held two towels I assume Lila and Y/n were going to use. I grabbed it and held it up in a defensive manner.

Lila tried to stab me several times before I lifted the tray up. She stabbed the tray and the knife was centimeters away from my face.

I used all my strength to push it towards her while she did the same which kept us in a deadlock. Neither of us could beat the other.

Clash! Y/n walked up to the two of us and threw the metal tray towards the ground. The knife went along with it.

"All right, enough. This was fun, but I don't want you killing each other." Y/n scolded us. I looked over at Lila who was glaring at me. Both of us breathed heavily.

"I'd forgotten how much I hate you, you puny little turd." Lila spat towards me as she put a towel around her body.

I looked over at Y/n who was still naked and quickly averted my gaze. She must have caught on since she giggled and put a towel around her as well.

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