💌 Boy Problems 💌

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(Y/n Hargreeves)

"Y/n, where have you been?" A male voice that I recognized questioned after he tapped me on the shoulder.

My body froze and I slowly turned around, fully expecting the person to be some guy who works with Reginald.

I gasped and smiled when I saw Timothy standing there. He had a confused look, but was also smiling slightly at me. I was freaking out inside. I've missed him.

"Timothy!" I exclaimed as I threw my arms around him. He's been my friend for three years. Leaving him in the 1960s is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

"Where did you go?" He muttered as we pulled away. I opened my mouth as I was about to speak.

"We have a very busy day ahead of us. If you'd excuse-" Five grabbed my hand and tried to drag me away. I stayed in my position and pulled him back. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"We have a little time, Five." I whispered to him. "I've had to run a couple of errands. You two haven't officially met! Five, this is Timothy. Timothy, this is Five." I introduced them to each other.

"It's nice to meet you, Five." Timothy smiled at Five as he stuck his hand out. Five looked Timothy up and down before grasping his hand.

"I know." Five glared up at Timothy who was two inches taller than him. Five's grip on Timothy's hand tightened as Timothy sucked in with a shaky smile.

"You have quite the grip, huh?" Timothy winced. I looked at Five and saw him sending daggers to him.

I realized what was going on and grabbed Five by his wrists before pulling them away.

"I'm really glad you guys have finally met! Now, I know I owe you an explanation, Timothy." I said. He nodded as he massaged his wrists.

"I thought someone took you or something." Timothy mumbled as he looked at me with soft eyes. I frowned at how concerned he looked.

"Technically, he did." I joked pointing to Five. He was staring Timothy up and down with a scowl on his face. He takes a while to warm up to people.

"Are you coming back?" Timothy winced as he asked this.

"She's not." Five snapped as he put his hands in his pockets and leaned forward. I looked at him with wide eyes and slapped his arm.

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